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how many people do not use ferret finders

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anyone still use a line?

I hope not, would rather work the ferrets on a good feed with out a line than dig on a line, times ain't that hard are they? Would always choose to work on the collar but if I was skint would just put it down free running rather than on a line.

You dont use a line all the time, you work gills without the line, then if you get a gill sitting down there, send down a hob with a line on knoted every 5ft and start digging.

I know how to use a line my point is theres a hell of a lot of digging useing a line, would rather just work well fed ferrets so they don't lie up, when knotting a line you put different numbers of knots in so you know how far of you are by counting the knots. My grandad always used a line as they where no locaters when he was ferreting but it's a pain in the arse, would rather leave a rabbit than wreak a set by digging all over it.

Well i cant see the harm in alot of digging, its a good luagh, and you can hardly ruin a set by digging, terrier lads do it all the time and dig a far lot deeper and enjoy it, i dont see why every one sees digging such a big chore

You can spoil sets by digging holes here there and every where, belive me theres been plenty of fox sets ruined by poor digging to the extent where they never get used again, that's the reason when working terriers you wait 10 minutes to make sure it aint go to move, thats why it's important to have a good terrier that will stay until you break through. If you go and dig a load of holes in a small set the rabbits stop feeling safe in it and will stop using it, what you must rember when using a line you can end up having dig a few holes not just one. What you must rember is how short food was around the war time when people used lines that was one reason why people did not like to leave rabbits in the set, them mixy hit and a good days ferreting was 2 or 3 rabbits in a lot of areas another reason why people would dig them all.

Edited by Plong
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Not sure how you could work with socks and an orange for locating ferrets but at least your toes will be warm and plenty of vitamin c ; )

You should never use a muzzle it's an old timmers thing, but the ferret can't defend it's self if it comes across a rat or the like.

I made by without a finder but i've got one now and like people have said it's peace of mind so now i've got no worries.


I read somewhere people use a muzzle, dont how true this is but has anyone seen or used one?

You should never use a muzzle it's an old timmers thing, but the ferret can't defend it's self if it comes across a rat or the like.

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anyone still use a line?

I hope not, would rather work the ferrets on a good feed with out a line than dig on a line, times ain't that hard are they? Would always choose to work on the collar but if I was skint would just put it down free running rather than on a line.

You dont use a line all the time, you work gills without the line, then if you get a gill sitting down there, send down a hob with a line on knoted every 5ft and start digging.

I know how to use a line my point is theres a hell of a lot of digging useing a line, would rather just work well fed ferrets so they don't lie up, when knotting a line you put different numbers of knots in so you know how far of you are by counting the knots. My grandad always used a line as they where no locaters when he was ferreting but it's a pain in the arse, would rather leave a rabbit than wreak a set by digging all over it.

I don't think digging a hole will wreck a set ? . Would leaving dead rabbits wreck a set ,? Will well bred ferrets not go to work on rabbits regardless of wether well fed or not ,??????

Well fed ferrets won't stay with the kill as long as hungrey ones will, dead rabbits don't seem to spoil sets as I have bolted rabbits then had to dig to one only to find an old stoat kill. A lot of the time ferrets don't kill the rabbit as it's in a stop end and they can't get to the head.

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anyone still use a line?

I hope not, would rather work the ferrets on a good feed with out a line than dig on a line, times ain't that hard are they? Would always choose to work on the collar but if I was skint would just put it down free running rather than on a line.

You dont use a line all the time, you work gills without the line, then if you get a gill sitting down there, send down a hob with a line on knoted every 5ft and start digging.

I know how to use a line my point is theres a hell of a lot of digging useing a line, would rather just work well fed ferrets so they don't lie up, when knotting a line you put different numbers of knots in so you know how far of you are by counting the knots. My grandad always used a line as they where no locaters when he was ferreting but it's a pain in the arse, would rather leave a rabbit than wreak a set by digging all over it.

Well i cant see the harm in alot of digging, its a good luagh, and you can hardly ruin a set by digging, terrier lads do it all the time and dig a far lot deeper and enjoy it, i dont see why every one sees digging such a big chore

I dont mind having a bit of a dig, but theres a difference between sinking a hole and trenching out. How do the knots tell you which direction to go digging in. I dont think my land owner would be to happy if I was digging holes everywhere. Each to their own though.

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