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how many people do not use ferret finders

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Not sure how you could work with socks and an orange for locating ferrets but at least your toes will be warm and plenty of vitamin c ; )

You should never use a muzzle it's an old timmers thing, but the ferret can't defend it's self if it comes across a rat or the like.

just wondering how many people do not use ferret finders am just starting out and havnt really got the money to buy 1 YET, i just want to know the will i defo lose my ferret if i have not got one thanks

you wont defo loss it but thats the risk your taking not working it with a collar on ;)

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yes you will, just makes it easy 4 you to locate ya monkeys ,or terriers ,i went 4 a walk with my terriers other day just a walk and i was sat at a bank full of holes that had just been doug nine hours latter i rang my mates 2 bring locater and terriers ,4 mins latter and 4 foot down got my bitch back ,wount go again with out a locater,even just 4 a walk .

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when i first started out i never used locators and it was a good few years before i could afford one i only ever lost the one ferret while ferreting without a locator. there is more risk of loosing a ferret when ferreting without a locator but if you cant afford one at the moment its a risk you'll have to take if you want to go ferreting. :thumbs: atb for the season pal :thumbs:

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Always use one exept when working rats, but in small warrens I would be happy to put ferrets down with out one, problems with some big warrens 50 hole plus ones they cover such a large area that if the ferrets have not shown for a while it's peace of mind just to be able check on them with the locater and know what's going on.

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Picked a Mk2 and 2 collars up yesterday for £100, don't really think it's worth the risk especially if you got a good worker.


My mate has got a Jill who really knows her game, if she doesn't go down or comes straight out then there is nothing home. She also works hedges and methodically works the warrens. Really impressive to watch. To think of losing her for the sake of purchasing a locator would be a real shame.


But each to there own.



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I've dug down to 4 rabbits on a poor day why would you leave them behind , plus if my jills have one bottled up in a stop end with it's backside facing them and they can't get to the neck it could be a very long wait , each to there own but I like to crack on ,

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anyone still use a line?

I hope not, would rather work the ferrets on a good feed with out a line than dig on a line, times ain't that hard are they? Would always choose to work on the collar but if I was skint would just put it down free running rather than on a line.

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I always use a mark 3 nowadays, but when I first started ferreting in the 70,s I only ever used a line because I was skint, which I didn't like doing after having one tangled up around a root. It didn't do it any harm, but I didn't like the idea of it after that.

I then used a mark 1 for a while.

Don't believe in using bells on ferrets, save those for cats.

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