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hi about 6 years ago i got some new ferreting permishon on a horse field it used to produce really well up untill the last 2 yrs ive ferreted all the holes there. and dont get enything out at all and i no there are lots of rabbits there you can see them all in the field at night plus the owner of the field says theres quite a few there aswell just thaught ide post this to see what ppl think and if you have seen or experienced anything like it before thanks

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no just the ferrets as my dogs dont like the ferrets at all. ive just had a 3/4 whippet 1/4 collie to bring up as a ferreting dog. ye thats what i thaught about the cover ive seen the rabbits run up towards the land owners house but cant find any holes in that area im gona give it another go the weekend see what happens thanks for the reply

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You need to check that place at different times and see if theres rabbits there then. Maybe the rabbits are coming from another field ect and you would get them with snares or a rifle when ferreting doesnt work ,But a marking dogs the easiest way to see if there rabbits in the burrows

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No probs mate need that pup to bond some how be easier in the long run. Like the guy said could be from different fields. I've found them under hay feeders boxbodies even in the dry stone walls under a bath und ond one 3 foot up a old tree stump so like said dog is a must really.

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