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opinion of a jacker

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Mate your dog might of been able to run the 1st one for another 4 mins no bother but if he had just killed before his 2nd run his edrenelin (i know thats spell't wrong)level's would of been well up and that can take more out of a dog than a long course but a decent break between runs to let his body and mind calm down would of done him the world of good,just keep him fit and keep em at it and enjoy him ,their not robots their flesh and blood

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why is he going to have to shoot it???,, madness, you lot think dogs are machines, they all have difrent abilaties,,,, yes there are dogs out there, that will run 3 hares of one slip,, and kill all 3,

no but if you keep running him straight after successful 4 mins courses then he soon will be

what a load of shite some people come out with on here   a dog what has no heart when the going gets a little tough could be considered a 'jacker'   a dog what gives in because it has nothing left

ran him in melton mate near the a1. leicestershire. gota at least give him another few tries before any shooting goes off. plus on a firearm ban

best sinario is give the dog to someone who knows what they are doin & when your

firearm ban is up shoot your self & do canine kind a big favour. mind you if your shootin

skills are owt like your dog skills you'd probabley miss

this must be why good dog men say this site is total shite and it because of prices coming out with comments like this !!!

what has prices got to do wi owt lol aye but if the price is right

let look at the facts he took an unfit dog ran it for 4 minutes now lets say it averaged 30 mph wich is a speed

a fit collie can easy obtain it would have run 2 miles then it starts to run again straight away but after a few

yards thinks better of it does he think the dog is tired or is the dog out of sorts or slieghtly injured. no he comes

on and asks folk who wheren't there, don't know the dog or owt about the dog for their oppinions and when

someone tells him to shoot it he says he'll give it another go before any shootin goes on ffs.well bully for him

then you come on and call me a price lol now there could be a thousand reasons it pulled up and anyone with

the iq of a plant would just get the dog fit and see how it goes, only a fool would label it a jacker on that incident

alone. hey but what do i know your the big COURSING MAN.


and the word is prick one you should be familiar with

opinions vary my friend

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not a jacker or he wouldn't have caught the first one, simply tired after the run i'd say,, could have walked far before the first run, need more road work to fitten him up a bit more, could have had an off day,, pulled a muscle, thirsty, loads of reasons

personally a jacker is if the dog sees quarry a number of times and showed no interest in running any, but we all have our own views, check muscles, road work him and try and rest beween runs see how you go, good luck and happy hunting!

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if they do it once then most likely they,ll do it again..maybe not today or tomorrow but sometime in the future ... just enjoy what the dog CAN give you and not what YOU expect the dog to give...heart is different in all dogs ..some have big ones and some dont...atb stabba

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