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Came home from college today to find my mum had bought this.....



This reminded me of all the pets that have passed through my hands over the years,

There was dozens of rabbits, several hamsters, a lizard, a cat, a jack russel, and a f*****g massive african Brown snail, oh and a few goldfish as well. You had any unusaul pets?

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When i was 14 my younger brother got a pet fancy rat!,well it didnt last long as my mothers Jack Russel got into his bedroom when he was at school and smashed the cage open and the result was bits of rat across his bed!!!,i laugthed but my but my bruv cried! :cry:

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Ive got a couple of goldfish :D

had the usual rabbits & guinea pigs as a kid, used to catch sticklebacks, toads, newts etc and try to keep them...even had 2 slugs Harry and Harry :laugh::laugh:


My 2 favs were Basil my rat and Sammy the spur thighed tortoise, she lived with us for 28yrs.






Which other oldies can remember the dancing flowers :laugh::laugh:


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Guest Ditch_Shitter

Only the usual stuff, for people like us; Rook, crow, jackdaw, tawney owl, barn owl, snakes, lizards, rodents, more amphibians than I could ever list. Dogs. Various 'british birds'.


My main claim to fame though is that, during my amphibian breeding phase, I rather casually bred a type of newt I picked up in the local pet shop. Next thing I knew I was recieving grovelling letters from Doctors of Zoology as far afield as Russia. Calling me " Doctor Shitter " and asking me how in hell I'd pulled it off.


Poor sods just couldn't get their heads round the fact that anyone who could crack out what they'd been trying to achieve all their lives, in their funded laboratory conditions, could be anything less than a fellow scientist.


Still got those letters. And the magazine and journal articles. Funny. I just bought the three newts I fancied and said I'd take them home and breed them. Bit of craic, really. Didn't mean to Make History! :unsure:

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we kept a blackbird for a year it flew into a window and we nused it back to health and it would fly around the garden and sleep in the shed at night :icon_redface: we wernt very origional it was called blackbird but itwas cool to have around even cooler when the sparrowhawk hammerd it while we were all out in the garden!my sister cried for weeks :cry:

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oh god, where do i start? had just about everything...


2 tortoises (one nearly 70 now, and still going strong), hundreds of mice & gerbils, hamsters (russian dwarf, roborovski & golden), 2 hooded rats, giant african land snails, garden snails (was really bored one summer), stick insects, cats, goats, horses, budgies, cockatiels, canaries, pigeons (including a wood pigeon we hand reared, with the highly original name of Walter Pigeon), rabbits, guinea pigs, pheasants, chickens, geese, ducks, quail, veil-tail goldfish, sticklebacks, some odd little fish that me & bro got out of the river at Ringland when we were kids, pond full of carp. i think that's everything....


my current odd pet is a 4' corn snake called Barry, but i'm moving house soon, and my friends little girl wants him, so he's going to a new home in a couple of weeks. housetrained a couple of my ferrets & kept them indoors for a few months. nearly got a bearded dragon a few weeks ago, but i've got no space left for her vivarium. i've always fancied having a couple of toads.

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