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Great escapes

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So i know some people wont wanna tell some off there storys but nevermind


has anyone been somewhere with their dogs and/or ferrets where they shouldnt off been....if you catch my drift :whistling:

and been caught or nearly caught or had some lucky escapes.


I'm an angel :angel: and never do anything bad so i dont have a story to write but I hope to read some good posts from people who have been doing a long time.



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who have been doing a long time.

Once or twice there was a distinct possibility of doing one of those long times you referred to if there hand'nt indeed been a great escape which you also mentioned,and therein ends the sermon,if you cant do the time dont do the crime.

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erm 3people i know where on the beer about this time of year and got a notion to go gaffing salmon, to cut a long story short the bailiffs turned up and caught 2 of the boys, the 3rd person ran like a whippet and when they shone a lamp over the field they dropped down flat on the ground face first into the mud until the lamp passed over, once they were out me the field they avoided the roads as the bailiffs were looking for them, went over a few fields cross country to a house belonging to a friend of the family who gave him a mug of tea and a bed for the night.


unfortunately the 2 boys he was with grassed him up and his nosy assed brother signed for the summons, because of his financial situation at the time i sold one of my horses and paid his substancial court fine.

Edited by Carraghs Gem
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I used to do a bit of ferreting and shooting on an old railway that hadn't been used since a coal mine shut. It was perfect, with banks of warrens for miles which also hid you from view. All except for when we passed over a bridge and the train passing under us called the police. Fortunately though police cars don't drive too quick on granite rocks and we saw it coming so I ended up hiding on the outside of a bridge. It was absolutely bloody terrifying because I was only just out of sight and I didn't know how long I should wait, gripping for dear life.


This isn't incriminating as I was only about 13, but probably the worst experience I have had of nearly being caught

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im not saying imcriminate your self's just thought like to hear some storys shared by hunters.


I havent got much to write my self as i havent been ferrerting for that long just a couple months. I only got a locator last week so i havent taken them out much cos of this, but now nothing is stopping me so it wont be long until i have some storys to say my self.


But nice write up so far lads

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