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Old boy.

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Has an invite to ferret with an old boy I've know for years, he's getting on a bit and asked if I would help him ferret a hedge on his land, so I snatched his hand off :D One bit of new ground that I'd not been on or seen, and one hedge I do with him every year. So onto the new bit, its a big grassy bank ,and I mean big, we set some purse nets just to see if anything was about, no dog again, dogs on this land are banned except to pick up and retrieve on shoots. Anyway, I already new it would not go our way, to many runs hidden in the long grass, and it wasn't long before rabbits just popped out of the ground and did a runner up the bank :censored: So a halt was called, and a return with the longnet is planned, revenge is sweet ;)






So after that bad start we moved onto the small hedge, we flipped a coin for sunny side or shady side, and I won the sunny side, I thought I was on a winner until I saw my side :D My side had just been cut, bugger! So half way along it looked like this.




And looking to the left, we are heading down to the wood at the end.




And to the right where we started, you can see the old boys truck in the distance, if you have eyes like an eagle :D




It was a glorious day, in good company, talking b***ocks about a myriad of subjects while gathering a few rabbits, not a big bag, but it looked like this in the end :thumbs:




So all in all a nice day in the countryside :thumbs:


Keep at them you rabbitteers! :D

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Looks a good day stealth , as long as there's rabbits on the ground nosy like scrabbling about in a hedgerow : )



Cheers Jamie, it was quite an easy hedge for a change, would have been a joy if it hadn't been cut last week :D

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good write up pal :thumbs: looks like a good bit of land you've got there for ferreting. sounds like you both had a good day and not a bad bag of rabbits to atb pal :thumbs:



Cheers mate, its not my land, I was a guest of the old boy for a days ferreting :thumbs:

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