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what age do i start coursing my bull greyhounds??

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Definately get rid of one of those pups mate. Keep one and turn it into a good dog. Keep both and they will both be c**ts and do your head in and then you will be putting an ad in the countrymans saying "for sale through no fault of there own" and true enough, it will be YOUR fault not theres. Im not beating around the bush because i know you wont listen if i give it to you gently. I doubt you will anyway but for the sake of the pups i hope you do.


Now to what age to start the one you keep: take it everywhere with you from the age it is now. When you go ferreting take the pup with you. When you go for a walk take it with you. When you visit friends take it with you. You get the idea. It needs to build a bond with you and it will do that by being with you. It needs to be socialised and it will do that by meeting other people and dogs. It needs to learn about hunting etc and it will do that by coming with you when you go. Once its reached 6 months old you can leave one or 2 holes unnetted when your ferreting. This will give it the odd chase. When its about 9 - 12 months old (depending on your judgement on its readyness) you can give it more work and start it on the lamp.

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The doggy game is a bitch game you juwt have to look on here you cant say anything without some dick saying something if he want to dogs an he puts the time in he will get back out what he puts in .as

two look 'arder than one innit? get rid of em both and get nice little beddy whippet and learn things properly, the dog will proberly teach you more than you teach it! i learnt more from my 1st dog

f*****g retard more like!. Coming soon to a for sale section near you. FTB

two look 'arder than one innit?

get rid of em both and get nice little beddy whippet and learn things properly, the dog will proberly teach you more than you teach it!

i learnt more from my 1st dog than any website forum could ever tell me.


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I dont deny you have taken on alot of work on, but be patient take your time its just as hard with any brace of dogs try to train one dog at a time if pos if it gets too much 6 months down the line then fair enough get rid of the worst one, but by then you will surely have got at least one good dog this topic is a mine field mate, maintain consistancy with each dog use the same commands and dont lapse the boundrys with em they are a hard dog and will compeat with each other this may be a stumbleing block ,but if you get it right you will be a happy man

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alright mate, ive been coursing dogs for about 3 years now and have always wanted a lurcher, now ive got them obviously im guna put my heart into making them the best they can be!! ill send you a video in a years time and we'll see how there doing. :bye: you cant judge me cuz im young!!

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id find one a good home then you can put all your effort into one plus you want to properly socialise it with other dogs any one else who has a bull will tell you trust me and even then they can turn in the blink of an eye :thumbs:

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alright mate, ive been coursing dogs for about 3 years now and have always wanted a lurcher, now ive got them obviously im guna put my heart into making them the best they can be!! ill send you a video in a years time and we'll see how there doing. :bye: you cant judge me cuz im young!!

surely comon sense says if you dont no the ins and outs about entering one sapling then get two, unbelieveable

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alright mate, ive been coursing dogs for about 3 years now and have always wanted a lurcher, now ive got them obviously im guna put my heart into making them the best they can be!! ill send you a video in a years time and we'll see how there doing. :bye: you cant judge me cuz im young!!


What sort of dogs have you previously been coursing? Have you had your own dogs before? what made you decide to get two pups at the one time?

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