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how fecking low can you get

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Guest cookiemonsterandmerlin

Yes indeed a very sad day for our country all for £50 they could earn that with a little bit of hard work all above board.

Without the need to go that low .



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the scrapmen are no fecking better,any scrapyard found with any such items should be closed down and the owner banged up if some wanker walked into my scrapyard with a nameplate off a memorial,i'd st

been on the news today about war memorials being trashed for scrap,they reckon about 1 a week is getting done what kind of fecking scum does such a thing there was 1 on the news and the metal namepl

Sounds like the opening line of a bad joke.I sometimes used to pilfer sweets from the pick'n'mix as a kid,I never once thought to crowbar a plaque from the local war memorial,you are a regular simon t

what gets me is,when they are prizing the brass of the stone,they defo must realise that what they are doing is a very low act.these people trully have no scruples or morals whatsoever.and if money is that tight and they have to rob to feed the family or whatever,that would be the last thing i would steal.if your that hungry and need to feed your family shoplift from tescos,no need to desecrate a memorial to a lot of dead heroes.sacrillage is what that is.wee kid from here broke his ankle other week,by putting his foot down a drain hole,cause someone stole the cover for scrap.

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its dirty smack rats that are doing it its not for food its for there filthy habit


often think that mate.are they robbing this stuff to feed thier family or a habit?are things that bad in this country that we need to rob graves?

ive made money in the past from things that werent strictly legal,but i can honestly say it wasnt to feed and clothe myself.it was strictly a means to make a few extra quid.i fail to believe things are that bad out there,and folk are forced to steal plaques of dead mens names.

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Guest cookiemonsterandmerlin
what gets me is,when they are prizing the brass of the stone,they defo must realise that what they are doing is a very low act.these people trully have no scruples or morals whatsoever.and if money is that tight and they have to rob to feed the family or whatever,that would be the last thing i would steal.if your that hungry and need to feed your family shoplift from tescos,no need to desecrate a memorial to a lot of dead heroes.sacrillage is what that is.wee kid from here broke his ankle other week,by putting his foot down a drain hole,cause someone stole the cover for scrap.


Whats the difference between robbing tescos and a war memorials.

Still both low and wrong the war memorial crime is worst only in our morale views on this subject .



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Its fairly local,the memorial beside Carshalton pond,theres a spate of such thefts,roughly 150'ish plaques from croydon cemetary,a bronze bell from the church in cheam valued at roughly £6000,I saw a bronze plaque missing from a war-grave last week,you could see the angle-grinder marks on the stone,thats in Weybridge cemetary as you walk in near the main gates,a number of the village churches in surrey are getting smart-water as a deterent to stop their roofs being stripped.


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Whats the difference between robbing tescos and a war memorials.

Sounds like the opening line of a bad joke.I sometimes used to pilfer sweets from the pick'n'mix as a kid,I never once thought to crowbar a plaque from the local war memorial,you are a regular simon templar,your halo is blinding.

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what gets me is,when they are prizing the brass of the stone,they defo must realise that what they are doing is a very low act.these people trully have no scruples or morals whatsoever.and if money is that tight and they have to rob to feed the family or whatever,that would be the last thing i would steal.if your that hungry and need to feed your family shoplift from tescos,no need to desecrate a memorial to a lot of dead heroes.sacrillage is what that is.wee kid from here broke his ankle other week,by putting his foot down a drain hole,cause someone stole the cover for scrap.


Whats the difference between robbing tescos and a war memorials.

Still both low and wrong the war memorial crime is worst only in our morale views on this subject .



so you think robbing a few sweeties from tesco is up there with grinding or crowbarring a war memorial plaque of it's stone?

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--- its happened in derby and nottingham and thrs lads out thr still fighting a war a village not far from me raised money for a bench and paved area in memory of a soldier rencently killed and some fecker robbed the bench --- read in the local paper a few weeks back that old buildings in town that are being used as offices had all the brassware robbed off the doors handles knockers signs the lot ..

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what gets me is,when they are prizing the brass of the stone,they defo must realise that what they are doing is a very low act.these people trully have no scruples or morals whatsoever.and if money is that tight and they have to rob to feed the family or whatever,that would be the last thing i would steal.if your that hungry and need to feed your family shoplift from tescos,no need to desecrate a memorial to a lot of dead heroes.sacrillage is what that is.wee kid from here broke his ankle other week,by putting his foot down a drain hole,cause someone stole the cover for scrap.


Whats the difference between robbing tescos and a war memorials.

Still both low and wrong the war memorial crime is worst only in our morale views on this subject .



you need wiping out pal

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Its fairly local,the memorial beside Carshalton pond,theres a spate of such thefts,roughly 150'ish plaques from croydon cemetary,a bronze bell from the church in cheam valued at roughly £6000,I saw a bronze plaque missing from a war-grave last week,you could see the angle-grinder marks on the stone,thats in Weybridge cemetary as you walk in near the main gates,a number of the village churches in surrey are getting smart-water as a deterent to stop their roofs being stripped.

they want killing mate an the sad thing is it will be white trash doing it

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I remember the aliminium flower urns going missing in a local cemeteary during Thatchers reign of terror,grate lids and just about everything else of value,but nobody took anything from a war memorial.


Could be smackheads? but the buyers are just as guilty,just another unbeleivable example of this country going down the shitter.

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england they should re name it the united europe island as for thats low and scumbags they prob couldnt even read english england isfucked its over your time is up its everyone for themselves theres no morals left and this doesnt surprise me one bit it will be gold teeth from coma wards next the dream is over can what you can while you can and before somneone else does

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