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how fecking low can you get

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been on the news today about war memorials being trashed for scrap,they reckon about 1 a week is getting done :censored: what kind of fecking scum does such a thing :censored: there was 1 on the news and the metal nameplate with 700 names on it,of people who sacrificed all for this country,had been nicked by some moronic fecking arseholes :censored: and they reckon the scrap value was a measley £50 :censored: i'd lethal inject the fecking lot of em :censored:

Edited by craigyboy
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the scrapmen are no fecking better,any scrapyard found with any such items should be closed down and the owner banged up if some wanker walked into my scrapyard with a nameplate off a memorial,i'd st

been on the news today about war memorials being trashed for scrap,they reckon about 1 a week is getting done what kind of fecking scum does such a thing there was 1 on the news and the metal namepl

Sounds like the opening line of a bad joke.I sometimes used to pilfer sweets from the pick'n'mix as a kid,I never once thought to crowbar a plaque from the local war memorial,you are a regular simon t

can we still be friends tho??? :icon_redface: :icon_redface:













only messin mate theres things even i wouldnt weigh and this is defo one of them :censored: f*****g scum bags :censored:

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can we still be friends tho??? :icon_redface: :icon_redface:













only messin mate theres things even i wouldnt weigh and this is defo one of them :censored: f*****g scum bags :censored:


when i was doing the scrap i've lifted a lot of steel from old factorys, but i'd never sink as low to do such a thing as them fucks!

but like every thing, that 0000000.1% f**k it up for every one!

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the scrapmen are no fecking better,any scrapyard found with any such items should be closed down and the owner banged up :censored: if some wanker walked into my scrapyard with a nameplate off a memorial,i'd stick the kunt in an old fridge til the old bill arrived :thumbs:

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It's basically desercration of service personal who died for keeping this once great country & world free.It's a sign of the times,they come around our estate....eyes everywhere :hmm: .As said the scrapyards also have to get there act together...do they not find it strange,slabs of melted down bronze on the scales :icon_eek: :icon_eek: .


As for the thieving f :censored: kers who are doing this,burn in hell you scumbags!!!

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