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trouble ferreting

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i have just started ferreting and i have found a coulple of small warrens, i go past them most days and i allways see rabbits around them.

i went out the other day and there was rabbit poo all around the holes. i got on and started netting them up ect, then when i came to putting the ferret down it just ran through the warren with no rabbits bolting???????? im not sure why?????????? and also my hob wil try and play in the hole when you are trying to get him out????????

any answers on either questions would be great

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I'm finding the same on some of my warrens that are amongst bilberrys, gorse etc. I sometimes wonder whether there is still to much undergrowth, and many of them are still living on the tops. Open burries in pasture are different, there seems to be plenty at home in these.

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could be the ferrets arnt going down to the lower tunnels so they are not working the full warren. or it could be that they are getting the run around by the rabbits a 3 hole warren can contain a lot of underground pipe work. as to the ferret popping in and out its the most annoying thing they do i find. the only cure to this is to let the ferret totally out of the hole then try to pick it up what ever you do dont grab at the ferret while its doing this other wise you will end up with a hole sulker and it will be like this for good if it persists try a bit of rabbit to tease it out of some ferretone till it realises you only want to remove it to put it in another set. i have a hole sulker here and it really peeves me to have to wait for her when i wanna move on but hopefully by letting her come out of her own accord she will learn.


best thing to do i would say is as above get her to follow a older ferret or just keep at it it will sink in its in their blood

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With this heat and the cover still up there is a real chance that there is nowt at home, we walk past so many freshly dug out, very used looking warrens with shit all around them with the dogs and get no marks at this time of year :thumbs:

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i had this on some of my permission too my hobs are still young gona send them out with experienced jill might give them right idea.


with rabbits not as plentyful as years gone by there are people out there that will come onto your permission that you had the bollox to go and ask for and take them all.


on a lighter note happy hunting :laugh:

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