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Strange or spooky story ?

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Thought with it being close to halloween and all that i'd as a few of the members to share any strange or spooky storys from outings. Maybe a dead rabbit/hare that dissappeared ? anything to get some banter going and a good read !

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ive had a few chills down the back of the neck when im out alone near this certain graveyard i walk through to get to one of my little spots.. there was athread about this subject a long time ago with few spooky tales..LOL

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i know two lads who were out fishing one night on a river bank in the middle of the night when they heard a so called banshi screaming and coming towards them and they took off running across the fields to their cars bricking themselves . they to this day believe they heard it

Edited by dgill
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Got back to the wagon after a night lamping with a friend started to get my lamp off and game bag and placed them on the back seat.

Anyway when a live rabbit jumped out the bag when i opened it made me jump lol.Especially when your not expecting it and knowing you had necked it earlyer on in the night.

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Got back to the wagon after a night lamping with a friend started to get my lamp off and game bag and placed them on the back seat.

Anyway when a live rabbit jumped out the bag when i opened it made me jump lol.Especially when your not expecting it and knowing you had necked it earlyer on in the night.

:laugh: that happend me before wit a woodcock

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Well we all get shit scared from time to time lol but one night two seasons ago I went out to my local moor with me brother inlaw and me best pal we had two pups and an older dog,anyways this moor is where they had a plane crash about 20-25 years ago by heathrow airport,anyways I don't no if they was tricking me and still dont but they both reckoned they saw something and proper shit them selfs lol I never saw nothing...so we carried on lamping and we saw a rabbit a fair bit in front of us so we agreed to slip a pup in with the older dog,so off they flew keeping in mind where all still shitting it a bit lol,so anyways back to the run the dog get a few feet away and the rabbit starts to take off,but you lot think I mean running,NO it stop and looks at the dogs I think WTF this bunnys on suicide mission lol as the dogs goes to strike the rabbit lifts as if it was on a piece of string the dogs are chewing mud by now lol the rabbit lands turns and looks at the and hops away in the bush,well that was enough weird shit for me for one night lol that's a truthful story not nothing special but pretty weird,atb and happy Halloween

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it wasnt so much scary as a bit un nerving but one night lamping north yorkeshire my mate slipped his dog on a bunny and it took off down a big hill and on further looking there in the middle of the field stood a circle of people dressed in white robes [like witches] the dog went right through them caught the bunny and brought it back, we ran like f**k back to car and went elsewhere!

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it wasnt so much scary as a bit un nerving but one night lamping north yorkeshire my mate slipped his dog on a bunny and it took off down a big hill and on further looking there in the middle of the field stood a circle of people dressed in white robes [like witches] the dog went right through them caught the bunny and brought it back, we ran like f**k back to car and went elsewhere!

did ya find out wat they were doing

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it wasnt so much scary as a bit un nerving but one night lamping north yorkeshire my mate slipped his dog on a bunny and it took off down a big hill and on further looking there in the middle of the field stood a circle of people dressed in white robes [like witches] the dog went right through them caught the bunny and brought it back, we ran like f**k back to car and went elsewhere!


that's pretty normal behavior in Yorkshire mate,you get used to it after a while........apparently.

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believe in ghots n that but never had any experiances with them, last winter me and my mate was out on some land about 1am when the field just lit up green, no firworksor anything like that and in middle of no where, not saying its aliens or ote lol but it did give us a scare,

midlander same thing happened to me and a mate 25 year ago noise like thousands of sewing machiness starting up and feild lit up with pale colours dog dropped rabbit and run back frightened to death .mind you not as frightened as me and my mate always wonder to this day what it was. because we sure as hell didnt hang around to find out this was a feild next to the open mountain . but nothing unusual around to see .

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Not to do with halloween but mate of mine who doesnt tell any lies was walking past a old cemetary before an his dog stoped beside it and started scraping the ground ground like mad and its teeth out and hairs standing up like it was possesed for a minute..he hasnt walked past it sence :laugh:

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