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my jack russel went lame whilst out walking...splinter in pad maybe??

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as stated i was walking him this morning and he went lame on his back right leg, he can put his leg down but not for very long. I'm thinking it might be a splinter because he was running through thick cover, I have inspected his pads but its really difficult to see anything with them being black so if it is a splinter does anyone know a way of drawing it out? I have bathed his foot in warm salt water for a few minutes to void off any infection. what do you think?

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you could try using magnoplasm paste, only trouble is you dont know for sure it is a splinter/thorn, there are a lot of dozy wasps around at the moment is it possible he was stung?

I'm not sure,because he only appeared from under cover when he was in lame so I cant really put two and two together so I'm at a bit of a loss as to what it might be

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