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Respect to any man that stands and has a fair fight with another man to straighten out any problems. No matter how good or bad they are as a fighter.

http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=drozvbGvJvU shite in a bucket lads shite in a bucket :icon_eek:

There's some "special" people out there for sure.   The bare knuckle fighter in this photo would be laughed out of town if it ever got out that he's scared of the dark ..............    

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Ya all coward baastards ya!!! Lol look I know it's funny I've pissed me self laughing, but I bet there's not many of ya that would call em an inbred fairy to there faces! You're saying there mugs for doing it on you tube an yet here you are calling them names on the internet lol pot an d kettle!

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Ya all coward baastards ya!!! Lol look I know it's funny I've pissed me self laughing, but I bet there's not many of ya that would call em an inbred fairy to there faces! You're saying there mugs for doing it on you tube an yet here you are calling them names on the internet lol pot an d kettle!


Anyone who posts pictures/videos etc on the internet is inviting comment/opinion....or else why put it on the internet !!..........


For some folk a physical fight with another man is a deeply challenging and rewardingly enjoyable experience with far more meaning than just settling a dispute.............these lads degrade everything thats right and proper about having " a fight " with their boring childish nonsense................have your fight,settle your dispute,but do it like gentlemen not little children.

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Guest long-tail

take the piss or not whatever but imo takes bottle to stand toe to toe with a bloke like that,i wouldnt want get invoved in all that shit,ok being 5foot f**k all and 10 stone soaked through dont stand me in good stead either :laugh: but the rest of you can crack on,easy to knock it sitting on here watching,

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Ya all coward baastards ya!!! Lol look I know it's funny I've pissed me self laughing, but I bet there's not many of ya that would call em an inbred fairy to there faces! You're saying there mugs for doing it on you tube an yet here you are calling them names on the internet lol pot an d kettle!



Fair play to anybody who feels the need to sort out a dispute with their fists BUT the fact they are putting out their little "Jeremy Kyle" esque rants on you tube just looks plain daft..........

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Guest long-tail

im not denying it makes for good viewing for a laugh im just saying it takes a certain sort of person to stand like that and im guessing most of the piss takers aint that type if truth be known

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im not denying it makes for good viewing for a laugh im just saying it takes a certain sort of person to stand like that and im guessing most of the piss takers aint that type if truth be known


Nobodies taking the piss out of swapping punches mate thats not the issue regardless how good or bad it is.........................its all the pathetic nonsense and the sheer fact that they deem it all worthy of filming that near any normal person would find funny.

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So what you're saying is it's not worthy of putting it on you tube gnash, have you seen some of the crap on you tube. Oh it's definitely worth it if only for the sheer comedy of it!all I was saying there's not many on here that would say you should be on Jeremy kyle you inbred fairy to there faces.

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