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Wether the clocks go back forwards or upside down the dogs still need walked and we have 3 boarding with us at the minute 2 big labs and a young weimeraner as well as my 3. i decided to take them down the back of my house which is open countryside leading onto old pit site overgrown with scrub and gorse and hides a fair few rabbits. which is great exercise for the dogs bushing and dashing about, i can spend an hour in there just moving slowly watching the dogs work, occasionally catching site of a rabbit or the flush of an old crafty pheasent.


Maggie is only about 22" and does work cover but she has learned to stand off and let bob and betty bush, they have never to my knowledge caught anything in all the time ive been taking them down to this bit. So i suppose the law averages was in my favour this morning when i actually saw mags ambush a young 3/4 grown rabbit, no great shakes of a course just a flush and a short rush.


Well the ferrets have fresh food this morning and ive seen a bit of sport all 6 dogs fed and flat out, and now into the garden to tidy it up




Bob and betty





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labradoodles mate, The black one is bob he is my gundog and we use him beating and picking up on the local grouse moors, as well as my rough shooting., Betty the blonde one is a great bushing dog but she is the wifes dog so i couldnt train her for the gun as she didnt want a dog thats just interested in working. but sods law the little bitch just wants to work. so the wife never got her lap dog. I couldnt take her on a shoot though as she is a chaser handy dog with the lurchers though.


i know they get a bad press but ive found them dead easy to train bob takes after the lab in his work.

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