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help building a dog run.

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hi any one on here fancy building me or help me build a dog run and sleep quarters. must be big enough for 3-4 dogs. i have already but in a base. free timber. bricks. galv mesh and amy helpwould be appreciated. thanks help me out in this recession lads. .cheers

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this is mine its 4 x 4 and has a devider down the middle inside and out you could fit 4 in each side with eas i have 2 in each side so they have plenty of room to spred out when the pick up any injury's it allso has electrics in as well as heating and lind with rotwool.this is just an idea for you buddy


Edited by the gafer
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Its nice when they all look nice ect, But before you do any wood/brick work.MAKE sure your floor and drainage is sorted 100% first cause all the fancey stuff can be added at a later date (Iam talking for experence here done all that fancy shit and a year later the smell/ect it had too come down too get the drainage sorted, And i done two/three course high breeze block cause the wood held the smell, Then i tiled the breeze block on the in side to make cleaning easyer, And if you can wish i did now id tile the floor instead of just the sides),


There a lot simpler than you'd think decent front and sides, Lick of paint here and there they look perfect even when made of of scrap wood ect,

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Only use wood for the roof buddy. Get block up to piss hight for sure so it is easy cleaned and galv for doors with concrete beds. Seems a lot of work but pays off in the long run. I have automatic driners in mine as well as bottle beds, cool in summer and hot in winter. I put in electric and the mutts listen to the radio all day too. Got fed up of crawling into tiny wee kennels trying to keep them clean. Oh and never ever paint the flors or the walls as it will come off during the winter no matter what type of rubberised paint etc you use.Hope this helps, Del



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