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i thought it right to share with you all just how chuffed i am at the harness strong stuff made for me. last week i gave him the measurements, on thursday i sent the money and now it is on my dog.

this man has been a joy to deal with, and is a good honest dogman to boot. cheap prices for fantastic products, even after hearing such good reports of him and his business i was surprised!

the harness fits my dog a treat and no matter how hard i/we (the dog) try it will not break.


once again mate thankyou for your great service, you have a lifelong customer here.

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Guest Ditch_Shitter

I wasted my money with 'Strong Stuff'! :blink:


Straight up! Having had him do me some collars for my Dogs and 'stock, I sat here and watched as one of mine, night after night, 'Attacked' my JR and hauled her around by her shop bought collar. One (shop bought) collar after another went west. It was getting f*cking ridiculous! The things kept getting chewed through and coming apart.


Then, in a moment of rankest stupidity, I contacted 'Strong Stuff' again and asked him to make me Two of his collars for my JR. Dumb arsed idea being that, once the first one got destroyed, I'd still have a replacement to hand.


:rolleyes: Yeah. And now, a month or two later, the first collar simply looks as fresh and good as the day I put it on the JR! Despite the usual, nightly biting and dragging at it! The damn thing'll obviously out last the bloody Dog!


How stupid can I be?! Ordering two 'Strong Stuff' collars for one Dog? Now I'll either have to pass the other one on or else get another Dog of my own to make use of it. Cos right now it's just sitting there gathering dust! :laugh:


Why oh why did I keep rushing out and buying crap? One shout to The Man Himself would have sorted me and saved me a packet on inferior, shop bought stuff! Now I too shall Always Buy 'Strong Stuff'! :good:

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i whole heartedly recommend his gear. its superb. i also get my leads off him too and they are of the same standard. to be honest i used to be a devotee of the expensive english leather collars, but they were not lasting me much more than a season. so now i use SS and they are bang on. Also, for anyone wishing to remove any blood etc that may be present within the collar, just pop it in a sock and in the washing machine. comes out so clean not even "Forensic files" would find anything on it!!! :D:D

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i whole heartedly recommend his gear. its superb. i also get my leads off him too and they are of the same standard. to be honest i used to be a devotee of the expensive english leather collars, but they were not lasting me much more than a season. so now i use SS and they are bang on. Also, for anyone wishing to remove any blood etc that may be present within the collar, just pop it in a sock and in the washing machine. comes out so clean not even "Forensic files" would find anything on it!!! :D:D


I find the leather can on occasion save the dog a bit of damage, do you think Strongstuff collars would do the same?......I am using Bellman & Flint saddle leather collars at the mo and they are the bollocks.......bit more expensive but worth every penny......but alas, leather dont last forever.

By the way, I am talking lurcher collars here

Opinions please

Edited by WILF
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Wilf, i had a harness made for Jazz nearly 2 yrs ago (in camo :D ) due to her injury a harness was better for her, i had tried a shop bought one and the plastic bits fell to pieces within a couple of months. It will last forever without a doubt :good: And you can have a collar made to your specific requirements...width etc.


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went out with it on the boxer yesterday, it stood up to pulling tyres, wresting other dogs, cramming himself down foxholes in a vain attemp to get at reynard. and looks brilliant aswell, which is the only reason i bought it :D ive only had it 2 days, but im sure it'll outlast my dogs. and perhaps me aswell :blink:

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i whole heartedly recommend his gear. its superb. i also get my leads off him too and they are of the same standard. to be honest i used to be a devotee of the expensive english leather collars, but they were not lasting me much more than a season. so now i use SS and they are bang on. Also, for anyone wishing to remove any blood etc that may be present within the collar, just pop it in a sock and in the washing machine. comes out so clean not even "Forensic files" would find anything on it!!! :D:D


I find the leather can on occasion save the dog a bit of damage, do you think Strongstuff collars would do the same?......I am using Bellman & Flint saddle leather collars at the mo and they are the bollocks.......bit more expensive but worth every penny......but alas, leather dont last forever.

By the way, I am talking lurcher collars here

Opinions please

i bought the most expensive that B+F had but after only one season the D ring was loose on both lurcher and terrier collars. I always try to buy the best for my dogs no matter what the cost, but this time the most expensive isnt the best IMHO. :yes:

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