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s200 mk3 1st fill up help please

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i bought a 2nd hand s200 m3 last night with a bsa pump, after work today i thought i would give it a go and fill it up without propper instructions i just used common sense, this is what i done

1)put quick fit adapter on the end of the cyclinder whilst still in gun


3)released air out of pump and removed connector


the problem i had was the cyclinder would only pump upto 150 bar and i need it to 190 bar, is it broke or did it already have 40bar in?? it just would not go past 150, please could someone tell me why it only went to 150bar and also a quick step by step guide on how to fill it up?? thanks in advance t10shp

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Did it go to 150 bar pretty easily? This may be the pressure just building in the pump as there was already around 150 bar in the cylinder. If you pump for an extended period of time, and it doesn't even creep up, then empty the cylinder and start again. If it fails to come up above 150 bar again, check the pump on another cylinder if you have one, else ask someone else because I ran out of ideas. :whistling:


Atb, Bunny.

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it went to 100 pretty easy but then got harder and [bANNED TEXT] i 1st coupled it up the pump showed no bars, is there a quick way of emptying the cylinder quickly?? and also is it normal for the pump to be like a vacuum [bANNED TEXT] pumping??

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You may find this usefull, save a copy onto your system or print it out.




Regarding filling:


Attatch the quick fill adaptor.

Screw the valve at the base of the pump in tight.

Your dial on the BSA pump (same as mine) will NOT show any pressure, it will not show the pressure in the cylinder until the pressure in the pump pipe equals the same pressure in the cylinder.

Begin pumping, it may take a while. The pressure guage will begin to rise fairly quickly and you will eventually hear a squeak that seems to come from the air cylinder. When you hear that squeak (or even a tink sound) the pressure in the pipe is the same as the cylinder.

Then continue pumping (you may hear a squeak on every pump) then the indicator on the valve will begin to rise and it will get pretty hard, especially if you are of slight build, I find it easier than most because of my build being quite large.

It can get to the point where you feel you may not get any more air in it!


Fill the air cyclinder up to 185 (pointless going much higher as the sweet spot begins around 180 ish bar.


Then when you have reached the required pressure, unscrew the valve at the bottom of the pump, and this releases the pressure in the pipe, the valve on the air cylinder will prevent the air leaving the cylinder.


Once the guage goes to zero on the pump and no more air is heard leaving detach the quick fill and replace the cap.


Any more help, just holler :)



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and also can anyone help me with pellet choice? I hunt more than target shoot, mainly pigeons, crows, rabbits and rats, and mainly at 40,50yds for rabbits, ive always used domed but would change, i need something thats hard hitting but accurate shot on show, not bothered about price because theres no point having a good gun and shite pellets haha

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and also can anyone help me with pellet choice? I hunt more than target shoot, mainly pigeons, crows, rabbits and rats, and mainly at 40,50yds for rabbits, ive always used domed but would change, i need something thats hard hitting but accurate shot on show, not bothered about price because theres no point having a good gun and shite pellets haha



Most of the AA s200 and CZ 200 series that I have tuned are shooting very well with JSB Exact but it depense from weapon to weapon. My advice is to buy and try several kinds of pellets and to see what the best are...

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Regarding Pellet Selection,


I began using Air Arms Field's and so far a 10 shot group less than the size of a british 5pence coin at 30 yards is great with them,

2nd choice RWS Super Fields Similar result :)

My third choice is FX pellets which produced a one hole group only 3mm larger than the AAF's.


However the three listed above suit my rifle barrel, it may not suit yours as well as it does mine, But AAF's are always a good starting point in any gun.






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