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Cammo- why?

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Anglers wear camo so they blend in the background when the water is clear so there shadow doesn't spook the fish   The council workers will be wearing it for the people that go mooching on tips and

For fishing no problem, I wear a little especially when I'm trotting a line, however people who wear cammo at Game Fairs....well that makes me chuckkle each and everytime I see it.

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this is one that gets me, not saying all shooters fall into this catagory but this one gets on my tits! its the shooters who sit on their fat arse in their 4x4's in all the realtree clobber! and never get out the motor regardless!! i can see an opening in the market for landrover trim hats and jackets........... :censored:

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I wear camo when ferreting/shooting etc because my normal clothes smell like cleaning powder and I don't mind getting the camo filthy. I can't afford to keep replacing normal clothes. Also the colours might not help with some animals, but it helps to stop humans seeing you. Not just poaching, but to stop nosey buggers spotting you and causing bother. I would wear it at night because it's the warmest jacket I have and since it's dark who cares what you wear anyway?


But why people where it elsewhere is beyond me, I rather see someone dressed in realtree than with baggy trousers around their knees or chavved up in a trackie.

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first trackies and trainers now the cammo s getting it .get a life folks what does it matter what whoever is wearing if you dont like it dont wear it simple . when judging a show i dress smartly in moleskins and check shirt but then you get the divs saying you look a prat . just to look a dog over cant win is the easy answer because someone somewhere doesnt like the wearers clothes . incidently my realtree jacker happens to be the most comfortable jacket ive ever owned so i wearit everywhere.

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