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Cammo- why?

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Anglers wear camo so they blend in the background when the water is clear so there shadow doesn't spook the fish   The council workers will be wearing it for the people that go mooching on tips and

For fishing no problem, I wear a little especially when I'm trotting a line, however people who wear cammo at Game Fairs....well that makes me chuckkle each and everytime I see it.

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spearfishing iwear a full camo wetsuite so i can blend in with the kelp and stalk ect

Like this one?I saw a few of these guys in spain a month or so back.Got to admit the very best spearfishermen I have ever seen used home-made spearguns,masks,and fins with no modern accessories.

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sometimes a few young lads come out to ferret on some fields of mine.

i do have to laugh because its looks like a seine out of a war movie with all the camo they have on.

wouldnt mind but they are working in the middle of the fields with no trees or hedges to blend into.


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if cammo's good enough for you square bashing in its good enough to keep me warm and dry whilst im out ferreting but the rest of the time i wear jeans im no sad enough to wear cammo's all the time

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Lol I saw a lad the other day walking along head to toe in camo I mean everywhere the t-shirt , coat ,trousers,hat,gloves I mean no need I wear a camo coat when knocking about but that's it and it's only cos it's warm lol funny though cos he started talking to me asking how my dogs were bred and I asked him are you off out he said naa just going to the shop ha ha I had to walk away before I p*ssed my self

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  On 27/10/2011 at 12:22, mackem said:
spearfishing iwear a full camo wetsuite so i can blend in with the kelp and stalk ect

Like this one?I saw a few of these guys in spain a month or so back.Got to admit the very best spearfishermen I have ever seen used home-made spearguns,masks,and fins with no modern accessories.

i use gun, mask, snorkel, fins, thats it and of course the wetsuit

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i lift what ever doesnt smell the worst of fish/rabbit guts, whether its cammo/green/brown i couldnt care less as long as it keeps me warm and dry and thats just to walk the dog to the shops


although i did buy the cammo muckboots cause they look cool :icon_redface:


as for gamfair attire i wear clothes to suit the weather, the first one i went to this year it had been raining all night and i had a dose of manflu so had all my fishing kit on to keep me dry and warm the last i went to i was in jeans and smart t-shirt as it was good sunny day and we where headin out for t after

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99% of camo is a load of crap and is worn by knuckle dragging inbreds who think it makes them look tough. Animals don't see in the same spectrum of light as us and react more to movement than colours. For example red deer can not detect fluorescent pink or orange but if you wear a full on ghillie suit that you've washed with biological washing powder then you are going to glow bright blue to the deer. I have been pigeon shooting in a high viz jacket to prove the point and the birds didn't jink.


Like i said it is a load of balls unless you want to play at being soldiers. Another top tip - if you are on the wrong side of the hedge wearing that crap then the assumption is that you think you're rambo and up to no good.

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  On 27/10/2011 at 16:29, PoshPikey said:

99% of camo is a load of crap and is worn by knuckle dragging inbreds who think it makes them look tough. Animals don't see in the same spectrum of light as us and react more to movement than colours. For example red deer can not detect fluorescent pink or orange but if you wear a full on ghillie suit that you've washed with biological washing powder then you are going to glow bright blue to the deer. I have been pigeon shooting in a high viz jacket to prove the point and the birds didn't jink.


Like i said it is a load of balls unless you want to play at being soldiers. Another top tip - if you are on the wrong side of the hedge wearing that crap then the assumption is that you think you're rambo and up to no good.


Your right there,Camo makes you look dodgy so it aint for me ??

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