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Terrier cross beagle retrieving dummy , more tips please.

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heya all , i've posted previously about my terrier / beagle bitch shes 9month old now and coming on slowly , still a pup so very hyper n playful still as all puppies , but in last month or so she's been retrieving fur (rabbit skin's) , feather (wings) i was just chucking them just lose , and now i've put them on dummies and she's retrieving them too great . Got her to were say find n shes running after when i throw and saying fetch as she finds it and picks it up and she's bringing it back to me few feet away, not too hand don't expect that much from her atm. Had her out couple times in last week and shot crows. n pigeons dead , she's running for them n getting there picking up a little n then putting back down but won't fetch back when i shout fetch . Anyone give me tips / stratergies to get her to pick up dead game n fetch it back just like dummy , i've never had retrieving dog so be great , i got her intending to use for bushing just rabbits but would love use her as some type gun dog if u call it that haha . any help would be great , don't no if anyone had terrier's / terrier cross's do same before .











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I had the same problem with my spaniel would do anything to retrive a dummy, in warter or where ever but would not retrive dead game, then it all changed once she picked up a pheasant from its seat live, then she sort of looked confused so just brought it back to hand as though she didnt no what to do with it, then she just cracked on with retriving live and shot birds, so i was probably lucky but any advise would be intresting.

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If you don't mind me asking, How much Beagle ? Terrier ,Border or Lakeland ? height about 15inch ? I like the terrier look with the larger ear an longer back,got an old border X fell not unsimiliar.

Have you tried getting in an alley,closed both sides or lane that he cant get by you,send him out for retreive getting him to come back,make a game of it ! he can't go anywhere bar back to you and gets praise for it ,done it with a wee terrrier bitch worked,got her to do it in open ground and worked from there.The Terrier X gets a bit posessive with its' prey I.M.O.not good at sharing !or giving it up !

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