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what book for sparrowhark

clifford 11

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I have already put the name of good book up for you..then you said you could not find any for sale..so i simply googled it and found one on ebay straight away for around £28..if you had bothered to buy the book what i put up for you in the link you would not be asking this question..but regardless of sparrow hawk book's you need to forget about getting a spar for now mate.

Edited by Millet
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  On 25/10/2011 at 18:19, Millet said:

Well get one and you will sharp get a reality check and realise falconry is not for you.. :thumbs:

No don't get 1 coz ya will kill it or it will be over weight an fly away that is one of the hardest birds to look after red tail or Harris to start with coz u can make a couple of mistakes. with a spar there's no second chance think of the bird not yourself

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  On 25/10/2011 at 18:44, clifford 11 said:

thanks i know how to keep a kestrel be out with one all week so they can not be as hard as them

Uv been out with all week an u think u can look after it did u weigh it av u read the mans flight book to c wat weight is best 4 his bird

Av wanted a bird all me life but I live in the city an have a full time job work 6 days a week so basically I can't have one I av got a few DVDs an tapes an about 30 different books I think it is one of the purest forms of hunting I love every bit of it but am just not suitable av flew a few different birds but 4 u to say u want a spar for ur first bird that's a joke mate an from what I can see of ur posts u haven't been studying for long enough simple as that get ur mentor then get a big hawk if u think ur suitable ano everyone as got to start somewhere but not with a spar or kessie. Harris or redtail or even an owl to get to grips mate

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