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im frequently bothered by the police when im out lamping and its starting to do my head in the 4 outings ive been stopped,searched and kept hanging around for ages i know in alot of places poaching illeagal game is rife but as my area only holds rabbit and fox im puzzeld about the sh*t i have to go through does anyone have the same problem or isit just me

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always seems to be good copper bad copper eh? there all twats to me mind you and should be out there doing more important things [drugs.burglary rapists illigal imigrants muggers knives the list is e

Had the good cop/bad cop scenario on a number of occassions,some of them really need to join RADA and get an Equity Card,no fan of the police in any way,shape,nor form BUT nowadays the countryside aft

say nowt and tell em you thought the dog was a guide dog if they keep on at you ha lol

If you're on permission, 'phone them before you go out and get an incident number. You'll probably still get pulled, but it will speed things up.



wouldn't they purposefully go and check what you're doing if you tell them where you are?

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They want to know youve not coursed anything other than rabbits. Foxes are off limits but that doesnt explain searching you. However the random copper wouldnt know there isnt hare or deer in the area unless they are "into" the countryside and its ways too. Another possibility is that they want to check you have permission, if you dont they will do you for poaching. Coupled to that a lot of people including coppers are antis who just want to make life difficult for us every chance they get. Also if burglary is a concern in the area thry will be making sure your motor isnt chocka with tellys and laptops! Lol! Just have your permission letter handy and think about letting them know your going to be on bla bla farm between say 11 pm and 3 am, they should leave you alone then.

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If you're on permission, 'phone them before you go out and get an incident number. You'll probably still get pulled, but it will speed things up.



wouldn't they purposefully go and check what you're doing if you tell them where you are?


I wouldn't think so, but if some one calls it in or your motor is spotted, then they know that you're supposed to be there. It saved me and Mally a load of greif one time when a neighbouring farmer saw us lamping on permission and decided to run us over with a 4x4 and attack us with a baseball bat !! LOl !!



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If you're on permission, 'phone them before you go out and get an incident number. You'll probably still get pulled, but it will speed things up.



wouldn't they purposefully go and check what you're doing if you tell them where you are?


I wouldn't think so, but if some one calls it in or your motor is spotted, then they know that you're supposed to be there. It saved me and Mally a load of greif one time when a neighbouring farmer saw us lamping on permission and decided to run us over with a 4x4 and attack us with a baseball bat !! LOl !!



nice chap!!! just a thought, I'm off out tonight on permission I only got at the weekend. I didn't have a letter handy so was going to nip over tomorrow to get it signed.....the law just states permission doesn't it? not written permission? If I got pulled tonight, I have verbal permission so that's me covered isn't it?

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should of explained a bit more ive been pulled walking to and from permissions in late hours but when we have 2 dogs and lamps its obvious waht we are doing they excuse thier pulling us by saying that there has been units broken into in industrial estate when the said industrial estate has a vast security team and we were no where near it and the cheecky f**kers even pulling on lamipng gear roughly when searchin my bag which i quickly pointed out and told them that if they break it they be payin for it, its not really a rural area where i live so they dont really care bout the poaching side of it they jus looking for someone to arrest to make it look like they doing something i think

Edited by trinder
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should of explained a bit more ive been pulled walking to and from permissions in late hours but when we have 2 dogs and lamps its obvious waht we are doing they excuse thier pulling us by saying that there has been units broken into in industrial estate when the said industrial estate has a vast security team and we were no where near it and the cheecky f**kers even pulling on lamipng gear roughly when searchin my bag which i quickly pointed out and told them that if they break it they be payin for it, its not really a rural area where i live so they dont really care bout the poaching side of it they jus looking for someone to arrest to make it look like they doing something i think


take their numbers and complain about them,make sure the complaint is logged at the station if the same pig stops/searches you more than twice in a month see a solicitor (with the pigs details).


also If you can claim your a traveller or some other minority and say they're discriminating against you because of it that will help you no end(cite article 14 of the human rights act if they claim they are allowed to discriminate).




or just keep your head down and don't get seen.


(not legal advice)

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We got stopped the other day going out ferreting, the cop pulled in behind us when we parked up, he had been following us. He stopped because we had dogs. We were in an area with illegal quarry species, but that was not his concern. His MAIN concern was that so many folk use 'doing a bit of rabbiting with the dogs' as an excuse to go around farms etc stealing stuff.


So often it's f**k all to do with the hunting . . .

Edited by Ideation
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we had it a few weeks back, shades were waitin at the motor for us. Luck has it the land owner was out with us and we'd left him a few fields back (hes getin on abit now) so they followed us up and he cleared things. to be fair the 1 bobby was sound the other was a scunt askin all types off stupids questions about the bull xs!

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