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My 13 month old dogs hind leg Is clicking alot when he walks and when he stands up is this early signs of hipdysplasia or arthritis is there anything I can do to stop this and I will also say my dog isn't in pain he is still running around as normal  


Any ideas lads

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best getting seen by a vet or some other kind specialest ,codliver or fish in the dog diet will help


yeah I'm going to the vet tomarrow with my English bull terrier so I'll ask and get an appointment


thanks mate

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Right if the clicking is coming from the hip area then sadly its a big sign of HD and austio autheritus, Heavy doses of Esther C daily can releive the pain and also help syptoms greatly,


Hope thisz helps D


cheers pal I'm gona take him to the vets soon

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ATB mate, i know first hand of HD and can help you on experience, be carefull at the vets buddy they can pull you all over the place.


Heres some of what helped me with an American Bulldog i had some years back (tryed and tested)



Ester-C – This is a buffered form of vitamin C which dogs produce themselves anyway but some dogs do not produce enough. Ester-C has a very low acid content and the dogs can never overdose on it, they ‘pee’ out what the body doesn’t absorb. It builds collagen around the ligaments and joints and must be given in high doses (contact me with the weight of your dog and I will work out the dose for you.) The cheapest place I have found so far for the Ester-C is www.zipvit.co.uk we just crush them with a pestle and mortar and add it to their food. The recommended maintenance dose for Ester-C is 2000mg (2 - 500mg tablets twice a day.)

Vitamin E – To help the body absorb the Ester-C better. Dose: One a day 200ui – 400ui.

MSM - Shortened for Methylsulfonylmethane. In my opinion is a life saver for people and pets with arthritis. You read all about it at

www.a1msm.co.uk you can also email or call the owner of the site - Mike, whom is VERY helpful.


Glucosamine – I have been doing a little bit of research recently as regards to the pill form of Glucosamine. It seems that the liquid form is much better. Therefore I now recommend Synflex www.synflexforpets.co.uk Synflex contains Glucosamine and many other ingredients that help with joints like: Boswellin, Yucca, Manganese, Bromelain, White Willow Bark, Omega 3 & 6, Vitamins A, C & E etc, etc.

Dont hesitate to pm if i can help you further,

Good luck D

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