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Which lamp should I buy for my hw97k

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Hi guys just bought a hw97k and it's awsome it's an fac so appearantly it's 18ft/lbs and I've had two rabbits and a wood pigeon so far

I'm just wanting to know of a good cheap lamp that I can attach to the scope it's a hawke night vision any help would be great thanks

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lol women are head cases ehh? aslong as the lamp you go for is a proper spot beam, i cant see the problem in using anything really, i did have a tactial torch, but was utter bollocks, and for the same price as the one i have now, and it is a powerfull beam, and its got dimmer switch too, lightweight too, but you have pic up lamps for guns for around 60 quid that all do the same job, just abit heavier etc

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