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Big hill rabbits and the blasters

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I picked up my son from his house at eight this morning and headed north to the penines, we were ferreting the slopes around some very steep quarrys there were a million holes and the terrain too dangerous for running dogs (Well for our dogs anyway).So the decision was made early on in the week to shoot the bolters.


We arrived in dense fog and driving rain so we sat for a bit then collared up big trev and flash little eileen hasnt got a collar yet. The rain eased enough to get up the hill and our first bury was decided upon.


A bit of history here, my mate and i used to shoot 15 years ago and were members of a couple of syndicates until Vic developed terminal cancer and in time he past on God bless him. I stopped shooting and eventually gave up the guns. until i was encouraged to get my licence back this year by some friends and joined their clay pigeon shooting club. Anyway ive ended up with a moderated single 410 and a over and under twelve bore. My lad has never shot rabbits so i decided to let him have the 12 and i kept the 410. So after explaining the safety aspects about arcs of fire and not shooting the ferrets or the ferret box. We popped the ferrets in and the first bolt quickly followed the lad dropped it in a blink and a confirmed shooter was born!


the rabbits love these steep hillsides and the ferrets loved the rabbits we systematically worked our way around the new permission josh getting most of the rabbits me not so many i struggled with the little gun at first (Accuracy has to be spot on much more so than with a 12) but after a couple of hours i was knocking them over no probs.


The most unusual of the day was a blue rabbit (A different shade of grey) and another tape worm cyst infected rabbit. as well as just the one myxi rabbit.


Total for the day was 22 but its a lot easier shooting than setting nets. The down side was obviously some smashed up rabbits but this lot will be ferret food so i wasnt too concerned. At the base of the hill we borrowed a farmers wheelbarrow to get them to the van.


The ferrets were a class act the shooting didnt affect them at all and the little sandy took to hunting like a stoat she is bloody fast. Flash the silver jill killed in once and that was a 12" dig, the only one of the day. All three had their moments of glory.


The star of the day was Josh he showed a natural aptitude and im sure i will be getting pestered to get the guns out again soon. As for me shooting is ok but i prefer the company of my little dog and the quiet of a netted warren


But it is another aspect of our lifestyle and its a memory we will share and the lessons josh learned today hopefully one day he will pass on to his son.

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