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a good owner will get the best out of a dog by feeding raising and conditioning it right but thats where the owners bit comes to an end. if the dog hasnt got it to be top class its not got it no matter what grub you put in front of it or how much time it spends getting jogged out. or even how much time the man spends making it sit and stay if that floats your boat. so people who say its down to the owner give your heads a wobble and think before you speak like jamiew says you can raise 2 pups from the same litter and one could make the grade the other one might not, same owner so that blows that theorey out the water :yes:

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puppy farming c**t

Macdonalds sell a lot of burgers and have done for years . . . doesn't mean they are high quality does it?

How can anyone that thinks slot of dogs in any capacity actually think it's ok for some to FARM dogs ? They are not dumb like sheep there dogs that need stimulation a pack environment etc. And what ab

a good owner will get the best out of a dog by feeding raising and conditioning it right but thats where the owners bit comes to an end. if the dog hasnt got it to be top class its not got it no matter what grub you put in front of it or how much time it spends getting jogged out. or even how much time the man spends making it sit and stay if that floats your boat. so people who say its down to the owner give your heads a wobble and think before you speak like jamiew says you can raise 2 pups from the same litter and one could make the grade the other one might not, same owner so that blows that theorey out the water :yes:


Your never going to get two dogs the same out of any litter no matter what the pedigree. It's not just about obedience training either it comes down to what gets put in front of the dog and how often. There's so many different factors that come into play that shape a dog. If you don't put game in front of your dog regularly it won't have much chance of reaching it's potential.....and if Whins dogs were as good as he thinks they are there would be no game left in his area.

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a good owner will get the best out of a dog by feeding raising and conditioning it right but thats where the owners bit comes to an end. if the dog hasnt got it to be top class its not got it no matter what grub you put in front of it or how much time it spends getting jogged out. or even how much time the man spends making it sit and stay if that floats your boat. so people who say its down to the owner give your heads a wobble and think before you speak like jamiew says you can raise 2 pups from the same litter and one could make the grade the other one might not, same owner so that blows that theorey out the water :yes:


Your never going to get two dogs the same out of any litter no matter what the pedigree. It's not just about obedience training either it comes down to what gets put in front of the dog and how often. There's so many different factors that come into play that shape a dog. If you don't put game in front of your dog regularly it won't have much chance of reaching it's potential.....and if Whins dogs were as good as he thinks they are there would be no game left in his area.

toby if the owner has so little to do with it how come the same people seem to have a top dog all the time whether its ferreting lamping or coursing yet dogs out of the same litter with differant owners dont make the the grade.theres plenty of very well bred dogs out of top worker to worker end up rubbish

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owned a brother and sister about 20 year ago sired by taffy, two of the best dogs ive had, the dog was hellish on fox and rabbit sadly hit by a car chasing a fox in the middle of nowhere, the bitch an excellent lamping dog, dont think i would buy one now like theres sum good dogs out there which are worked day and night and are proven..

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I think you'll find it's more than the odd gem



Not to puppy production ratio you wont. If you want a worker then buy from working proven stock, if not buy one off the production line and take ya chance. After all ya cant pollish shite ma mon.




So what is the ratio?

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Whin- where did I say I knew ewt? I asked about him, id heard his name time and time again and don't have a clue what he's about. I'm asking what makes him different from a dog dealer when he's Always selling dogs? It's a genuine question. Does he work them all? I'm asking because I don't know. No need to get ur knickers in a twist

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Whin- where did I say I knew ewt? I asked about him, id heard his name time and time again and don't have a clue what he's about. I'm asking what makes him different from a dog dealer when he's Always selling dogs? It's a genuine question. Does he work them all? I'm asking because I don't know. No need to get ur knickers in a twist



he breds collie xs mate and have bred some good ones also breeding them with some off brain plumbers collie xs.he used to work them [bANNED TEXT] but he doesnt anymore,but the dogs gen down the line come from good working stock some trace back to pat the warrener and the berdie collies from working collies from the highlands in scottland,ive got a dog off him and many off my mates and are dogs turned out good.worker to worker dont mean f all it what you put in and if the dog shows intrest in it

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ye their qaurry left undisputed one i look after it two they are wild animals and no th eland pretty hard running land but sporting, vedublee , along time ago when alot of us were niave plummer wrote shit to sell dogs , so alot believed it then gys like my self thought there not what they say and bred there own to suit us cause they didnt localy but then alot never , before plummer we ran deerhoundy type collie type , and caut al sorts , for the big open land in the daylite now we run saluk type and colie in them to suit the land , but the hancocks ,well its a pig in apoke

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Not a collie greyhound man myself, but up till the ban a friend of mine coursed pure greyhounds and won some big competitions with them and had some top dogs in his kennels. Hancok collected greyhounds for breeding from these kennels quite regular. The last one he took was in 2005 which was a 3 year old bitch which had won alot. So they is still some tryed and tested blood in there on the pure side of it.

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