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puppy farming c**t

Macdonalds sell a lot of burgers and have done for years . . . doesn't mean they are high quality does it?

How can anyone that thinks slot of dogs in any capacity actually think it's ok for some to FARM dogs ? They are not dumb like sheep there dogs that need stimulation a pack environment etc. And what ab

  On 23/10/2011 at 07:31, undisputed said:

When you produce as many dogs as this man has then theres always gonna be the odd Gem but IMHO i would give a wide birth, as has been said your taking a bloody big gamble and lining the pockets of a dog pest. I wittnessed another bitch from him and the storty aint as bright, in fact she was a nervous wreck.


I think you'll find it's more than the odd gem


Not to puppy production ratio you wont. If you want a worker then buy from working proven stock, if not buy one off the production line and take ya chance. After all ya cant pollish shite ma mon.



Edited by BULLDOUG
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Just got one, and he is coming on a treat, nice shape, and seems bright, and a quick learner,

I dont see any difference between what he does now, and what he did 20 yrs ago,, and saying that Whin had a superb bitch from him then, I saw no reason to think they might be different so went for it and bought a half cross. Pleased so far.





And I`m no fool with money !! lol

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I aint praising his dog we all know its just a glorified puppy farm,there are good and bad in his dogs as there is in alot of dogs there are just as bad people on here who probably wouldnt know how to use a lamp never mind work a dog and in my opinion alot of this mans dogs have stood the test of time and il bet you a pound to a penny alot people who keep collie crosses or lurchers with collie blood in them have got hancock somewhere through the line if its the dog you want thats up to you each to there own i say :thumbs:

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I'm new to this, I've heard a lot about the name and seen rake aboots pup. What's the deal with it? Surely if he's breeding none stop then all the dogs he breeds from can't be top dogs? And why is he different from an average peddlar? Over breeder or money grabber?




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its what the new owner does and makes with it when he or she gets it home that counts theres plenty of very well bred pups havnt made the grade because of their owners not bringing them on or rearing them properly . but funny the breeder dont ge the fault then. good luck ifyou do decide to buy one rear and bringit on properly and it will be ok .

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  On 23/10/2011 at 11:29, boyo said:

its what the new owner does and makes with it when he or she gets it home that counts theres plenty of very well bred pups havnt made the grade because of their owners not bringing them on or rearing them properly . but funny the breeder dont ge the fault then. good luck ifyou do decide to buy one rear and bringit on properly and it will be ok .

not the case mate, i have had sisters from the same litter entered,brought up exactly the same and were like chalk and cheese! atb jamiew

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so a lad come's on here and he has a litter of lurchers and a litter of gun dogs and he's scum... BUT MR i don't even walk my dogs handcock , dose it and a good lot of members say its ok!


worker to worker all the way, for me, yes some don't make it, but its nice know they come from workers!

how much are they £200-£250 a pup...FFS i've got a pup coming next week from good working stock and from a very good line of dog's for£200

f**k this i'm stopping making lure and starting to breed pup's and call them grahams lurchers...i'l make f*****g loads of cash from the fools out there!

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ye i maybe had a superb bitch but that was down to me it took me a good 14 months to train her to the standard i wanted at the time ,but not a patch on the dogs ive had since then on all round game ,i m no fool when i saw d skieghts katie m chapmans bob win i thought, good dogs and well got a pup and bred my own ,fallon was a class dog plenty stamina, but would i have another no , why , cause got better now ,i gave fallon away at six her carrer was finished but done somebody else a good turn had pups etc ,she wa sachewer a bit hyper and not for the inexpiereced handler like most of the richard jones type , they bred lots of wastage some couldnt catch agood rabbit etc hareroe etc when it wa sall legal ,your homee bred tye i gave you was better stamp maybe not the feet like fallon but a good stamp, hanckocks wouldnt own another and not got a good word for them nowadays

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veedublee,what do you no about running dogs how long you had them , you ever saw class acts that you can take anywere and they catch game ,i have and i know the diffrence between my dogs and hanckocks by a country mile you mabe get lucky but ru ning pace hunting style fetching is bred in ,as is other people the best dogs are the ones who are bred by guys who work and test there dogs and breed to better there stock as they are not in it for the mass produce like chickens

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