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Guest cookiemonsterandmerlin

Ive got no problem with the seperation of law taxes etc but that should also mean that any household north of the english boarder should not receive any funding from english taxes.


Independence for me depicts that scottish population funds there own laws schooling higher education health service.

Should if seperated the MPs should have no right to vote in english parlerment .


And we should should have no rights for our MPs to have power in your country and our children should not be allowed into your higher education system unless the children has been in your lower education system .


The truth is the scottish and the same as many english rural communties cannot support themselfs with the tax returned from them . The taxation offset of large cites and high population that equals good tax return per square mile .


I feel like many english that wales and scottish are raping our taxes for free perscriptions higher education .

While we have to stump extra cash on top of our taxes to pay for basic health care.


We are either a untied kingdom and all have a even playing field or we are seprated and all have our own systems including border crossing health service schooling etc all funded by that independant countries tax collected from it own civvies .

Not the wealth or the english and yes you can keep your income from north sea oil.


Cheers Cookie

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no and it will never happen.i welcome any referendum on it.however salmond and his cronies wont let it happen,even now when he is in a political position to put it into practice.the mans is just a power hungry anti english clown.it must stick in his throat every time he reads the polls and seeing the vast majority of scots dont share his unfounded pipe dream.

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I think it would be a bad thing for all parties involved. :yes: The way the world works now with each country's economy dependant on everyone else's wouldn't suit either. The UK is having a hard time keeping it's head above the waves in this financial shit storm as it is. If Scotland was to gain full political and economical independence you can guarantee that it'd have to further integrate with the rest of Europe to survive, and at the same time the strong position the UK currently holds there would be severely weakened.


Besides what would Scotland really gain from independence? It wouldn't make Scottish people any more Scottish than they are now...


I feel exactly the same about Wales. :yes: I voted for devolution in the referendum & yes to give us more powers in the more recent one, but I wouldn't vote for full independence.. :no::thumbs:

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Ive got no problem with the seperation of law taxes etc but that should also mean that any household north of the english boarder should not receive any funding from english taxes.


Independence for me depicts that scottish population funds there own laws schooling higher education health service.

Should if seperated the MPs should have no right to vote in english parlerment .


And we should should have no rights for our MPs to have power in your country and our children should not be allowed into your higher education system unless the children has been in your lower education system .


The truth is the scottish and the same as many english rural communties cannot support themselfs with the tax returned from them . The taxation offset of large cites and high population that equals good tax return per square mile .


I feel like many english that wales and scottish are raping our taxes for free perscriptions higher education .

While we have to stump extra cash on top of our taxes to pay for basic health care.


We are either a untied kingdom and all have a even playing field or we are seprated and all have our own systems including border crossing health service schooling etc all funded by that independant countries tax collected from it own civvies .

Not the wealth or the english and yes you can keep your income from north sea oil.


Cheers Cookie


Agree 100% the united kingdom should be just that united.


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scottish independence , do we want it or really need it ?


I am 100% convinced that England should secede from the union, but we won't have a vote on that so I hope the Scots and Welsh do vote for complete independence.

Edited by Blooded
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yes,i hope to see it in my life time.scotland would benifit alot more being independant


An independent state reliant on EU subsidies.. Sorry, but I can't see it. :no:


Larger economies than Scotland have failed big time in recent years, and with the emergence of China, India, Brasil and other emerging powers things are going to get tougher.. :yes:

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Guest cookiemonsterandmerlin

yes,i hope to see it in my life time.scotland would benifit alot more being independant


An independent state reliant on EU subsidies.. Sorry, but I can't see it. :no:


Larger economies than Scotland have failed big time in recent years, and with the emergence of China, India, Brasil and other emerging powers things are going to get tougher.. :yes:


But the scots would never go bankcrupt there too tight to lose there money .I am sorry I forgot the bank of scotland was bailed 37 billion between three big banks RBS LLOYDS TSB HBOS.



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