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its time to let them chill abit now for me the odd night lamping but summer walks when it cools a bit ..come mid august i will start his fittness ready for the season ..road work 4 times of week about 4 to five miles a night and start of lamping a couple of nights a week working to lamping 3 or 4 times a week if possible ...about 6 weeks of this should have them ready to go and in full fittness for early october...thats if they stay injury free ......and then start banging that quarry for all its worth.... :D;)

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  • 2 weeks later...
Was just wondering how you lads get your running dogs up to peak fitness ?road walking etc?

Between 6 and 4 weeks before the season starts start the dog on bike work,short distances at first ,give the dogs feet time to harden up ,gradually increase the distance and reduce the time,mix in about an hours free running a day ,bushing or W H Y,and your dog should be ready to rumble .A good rub down/brush,is very beneficial as well as it stimulates the muscles and blood cells.a positive side effect of all this is that of course you get fit as well ,so you dont notice those long night hours lamping.

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I try and keep the dog in condition all the time but during the week if ive not had more than a mouch about i like to get a good hard ball something you can throw well and bounces well. Ive always brought pups up with the ball and im sure it helps loads with their ability to catch and if a dogs getting ready for work after an injury you can work it up gently that and road work for the feet does me besides a good game keeps a good bond going with the dog

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Guest Frank

A bloke i knew, had a tennis racket and a very bouncy ball. He would go down to the beach and bat this thing for 100ds of yds away, the dog got pretty fit, going backwards and farwards, along with some fast road walk. ;)



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A bloke i knew, had a tennis racket and a very bouncy ball. He would go down to the beach and bat this thing for 100ds of yds away, the dog got pretty fit, going backwards and farwards, along with some fast road walk. ;)




Top idea that frank as chucking a ball now and again pulls feck out of your shoulder

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I take mine out for there road walks during the week 2-3miles daily then on saterday get them out for long walks to find some new country pubs ;) then have them out on the bike for 15-30 mins on roads to keep there feet good.Then have them along the beach on a sunday to get them sprinting on the wet sand. :victory: Any of you lads change there diet i cut mine down a bit and a little less protien and more vegtables ?? :hmm: ??

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I take mine out for there road walks during the week 2-3miles daily then on saterday get them out for long walks to find some new country pubs ;) then have them out on the bike for 15-30 mins on roads to keep there feet good.Then have them along the beach on a sunday to get them sprinting on the wet sand. :victory: Any of you lads change there diet i cut mine down a bit and a little less protien and more vegtables ?? :hmm: ??


When are you talking about [cutting their diet down] spring and summer I cut my dogs protien levels down a

bit,but when I start working them again the protien level in their diet gets increased.

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When are you talking about [cutting their diet down] spring and summer I cut my dogs protien levels down a

bit,but when I start working them again the protien level in their diet gets increased.

Same as you mate but iv been told they build up muscle better when they have more protien i there diet.So surley when they work they build alot of muscle so why not let them build muscle when working.Just wondering really dont really know myself :hmm:

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I run my dog every second night behind the van during the season just a couple of miles a night just depends on how much lamping Im doing though. Walk the dogs every second night through the summer or behind the push bike depending on the heat and midges, so keeps them in condition.

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A bloke i knew, had a tennis racket and a very bouncy ball. He would go down to the beach and bat this thing for 100ds of yds away, the dog got pretty fit, going backwards and farwards, along with some fast road walk. ;)



Good idea, I recently brought a tennis ball thrower (:blink: It looked good in the shop!) I cant use the fecking thing, just goes up in the air and lands behind me :angry::no:

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A bloke i knew, had a tennis racket and a very bouncy ball. He would go down to the beach and bat this thing for 100ds of yds away, the dog got pretty fit, going backwards and farwards, along with some fast road walk. ;)



Good idea, I recently brought a tennis ball thrower (:blink: It looked good in the shop!) I cant use the fecking thing, just goes up in the air and lands behind me :angry::no:

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  • 2 weeks later...

the only way to get a dog fit is by running it ,road work will only get its pads hard ,so i run my dog on a rubber 6" ring down a grass hill to start with but any run on a rabbit is far better then any other way iv found ,start steady then build up over time ,but i do keep my dogs fit all year round by a bit of bushing work ..

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