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Our cold morning out.

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We'd had this planned from the night before. I'd been up with the Billy hook (Slasher for those who don't know) and taken down the large amounts of bushes and hedges that were concealing the bunny holes. The day was crisp, the ground crunchy and the frost settling in well with the sun slowly warming the ground. We set our first bury just after 10AM, A late start by my standards, but my friends seem less eager. The nets were done, and as I was about to set the last net, FOX! I almost jumped out of my skin when I saw the tail... Billy hook in hand (we don't take guns ferreting), and odd looks from my friends as I grabbed this bright orange tail and dragged out the fox. This story ends with an anti climax however, and to my relief (as killing it with a Billy hook would of been messy), it was a carcass. A rather dead one too, only bones and a tail were left.


So, I set my last net, and the ferrets were entered. First up were my two, Bernard-squishy and Ruby. They dove in without hesitation, and within about 10 seconds, the ground was rumbling, and a rabbit bolted the warren straight into a net. Text book purse, right round the rear legs. My friend George was on that side of the barbed wire and so leaped on top of it, whilst I rather un-majestically bimbled over the fence to help reset that net. I knew today would be good. About a minute or so later, another jumped, this time my side of the fence. BANG! I almost flattened it diving on the poor bugger, and I'm not the lightest person (13 stone)...

That bury was only small and we had set, flushed and packed up within about 4 or 5 minutes, when we quickly moved onto the next bury... about 10 yards away (this is why I love the land I work... the buries are so close!). We set that and flushed another 2. As we rounded the corner on the fence line, we saw one bolt into the bury. We set and began our flush. The Ferrets went in, mine again, Bernard and Ruby. The ground rumbled like an angry stomach, the pop! Right under George's feet squeezed a rabbit. Underneath a small patch of ivy was a tiny hole in which he had been completely concealed as he made his escape. Breeder for next year eh?



Anyhow. That was it for that warren. We continued until about midday when I received a phone call from someone who I had been pestering for a ferret for a while. He was selling it, so we packed up with 6 in the bag and I set off to get my new family member, Acorn, who is now in the hutch with the other two ladies.


Hope you enjoyed the read, nothing spectacular today, but a few Bunnies,



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Good write up, hows your pup coming on?

Pup? o.O I don't have one. Confused much....


Care to explain?






Sorry mate, your user name is similar to someone who has a litter sister to mine. My mistake.

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Good write up, hows your pup coming on?

Pup? o.O I don't have one. Confused much....


Care to explain?






Sorry mate, your user name is similar to someone who has a litter sister to mine. My mistake.


You're talking about Bunnybolter right?


It's fine, easy mistake to make. Might see if I can change my name with Admin, it's a little bit too similar...



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