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Ferret names?

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Have you named your ferrets? If so, what did you call them? What type of ferret are they? Does their name suit their attitude/looks?


Hoping this will be quite interesting as mine are ridiculous...


I would also like to point out, I was bullied into naming them these names by a female friend of mine... And she wouldn't leave me alone until I agreed.


Both of mine are albino jills, and one is called "Bernard-squishy", while the other is called "Ruby".


I now have another addition to my Ferret family. I have a sandy jill called Acorn. How cute is that name? The girl I bought it off already named it. :D


Have fun!



Edited by Bunny Boiler
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only ever named one of my ferrets and that was "stinky" stinky often entertained the lunatics at our house partys and had had a taste for beer, few people who crashed at ours woke up with stinky cu

ive one i called killer lol its jacked a few ferreting dogs put him in dig him out better than most terriers lol,ive gave him upto my cousin as hes alot of ferreting on at the minute,you enter him within a minute you can be pretty sure of a mark hes renamed him john rambo lol

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I have got -


Ruby (albino jill)

Kitty (polecat jill)

Tilly (silver jill)

Wriggler/Lucy/socks (polecat jill)

Bear (sandy hob)

Chunk (polecat hob)


Also have an albino hob and jill, and two sandy hobs, out of Ruby x Bear, who are as yet unammed. They are 5 months now, i will be keeping the albinos and possibly one of the sandy hobs, and will name them when i get inspired / start to work them.


Nine of the ten ferrets are linked somehow, kitty/ruby ( litter sisters), wriggler/bear/chunk (litter mates), kits (the two lines x'd). Tilly is the only outsider, but will be bred in either via chunk, or one of the hob kits i'm keeping back from this years litter.

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  On 20/10/2011 at 20:00, BenjaminCadd said:

I have 2 Albino Gills Tic and Tac, and Two Silver Gills Nip and Tuc, Nip for a reason! and My silver Hob Tank! Atb Ben.


Great names mate, i like Tank, sounds like he would get on with Bear and Chunk :laugh:

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My 2 hobs(brothers) are Jasper & Potch,their sister Ruby & my 2 unrelated jills are Jet & Amber(all poleys).Names came from a precious mineral/stone table don't know why or how but the names fit their characters...well in my eyes anyway :blink:

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ive got fuzzy, imogen (my daughters best freinds name) penny from fireman sam my other daughters favourite programe and squeak my big manly hob coz he squeaks and talks all the time.


also had in the past

rocky, rambo, basil, manuel and sibil and lots more that didnt have names till i had a wife or children lol

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