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gaddaffi captured

Guest thebigdog

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lol i know what a shower of corrupt hypocritical c**ts we allow to govern us.

that kunt from syria next

they should make prince phillip ambassador to foreign affairs.he will tell the dirty cubnts exactly what we think of them lol

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Cut his nuts off, and let him to the people he has persecuted for all these years, a fruitcake, and a total and complete b*****d of a man, deserves all he gets, as long as its slow and painfull.



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Cut his nuts off, and let him to the people he has persecuted for all these years, a fruitcake, and a total and complete b*****d of a man, deserves all he gets, as long as its slow and painfull.




What do you actualy know of Ghaddaffi, other than what youve heard on the mainstream media ? Not having a dig but remember not to believe all you hear.

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The man was a c**t and an enemy of the uk

armed the ira with huge caches of weapons and explosives.then there was the yvonne fletcher incident.oh and that small matter of a jumbo blowing up killing them on board and a few on the ground.what bit exactly shouldt i not believe?

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The man was a c**t and an enemy of the uk

armed the ira with huge caches of weapons and explosives.then there was the yvonne fletcher incident.oh and that small matter of a jumbo blowing up killing them on board and a few on the ground.what bit exactly shouldt i not believe?


I think the above is enough to start with Foxfan, thats without digging up any more dirt on the b*****d, he deserves to die.... no argument, for the misery he has caused people directly and indirectly, he's in the same league as Saddam Hussein in my opinion, vermin.

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IMO it takes an evil man to control and evil race, so fryin pon n fire spring to mind.


Look at all the Aid weve sent to pakistan, the same paki b*****ds sending IED equipment to kill our troops and the same paki fooks who harbour our most wanted.


England??? Run by Shit licking creeps (right into the ground).



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Cut his nuts off, and let him to the people he has persecuted for all these years, a fruitcake, and a total and complete b*****d of a man, deserves all he gets, as long as its slow and painfull.




What do you actualy know of Ghaddaffi, other than what youve heard on the mainstream media ? Not having a dig but remember not to believe all you hear.

ask the british consul staff back in the 1970 who complained as the bins outside well full of human limbs NICE MAN

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Poeple tried to break a rigeme and they did so....Death was the only answer to it.


spot on,there could only be one outcome for gaddafi and that was death.they certainly would not want a long drawn out trial.I would think the west would have encouraged his demise.he could tell a tale or two about the skeletons in our cupboards,and deals done behind our allies and friends backs.

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IMO, this war has shamed the Royal Air Force, Britain and the west. Totaly illegal, imoral and despicable, random use of depleted uranium munitions, use of white phosphorous in Sirte and Bheni whallid (spelling) widespread civillian casualties, it stinks. :censored:

why did you not go over and ask to see gaddaffi and disscuss his mass murder etc FOXFAN :hmm:

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