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gaddaffi captured

Guest thebigdog

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lol i know what a shower of corrupt hypocritical c**ts we allow to govern us.

that kunt from syria next

they should make prince phillip ambassador to foreign affairs.he will tell the dirty cubnts exactly what we think of them lol

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Now to keep the lid on the age old Warfalla, Gaddafa, Tuareg, Zuhwayyah and Magarah warlord and tribal conflicts that have gripped Libya for centuries. I assume NATO have a plan this time after failing miserably in this respect in Afghanistan and Iraq. :whistling:

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shame realy,, i was hoping they would catch him aive,,, then go to trial,,, then exacute him.. was it blair, and some other scots mp,, that got n bed with him a few year back,, to release the lockerby bomber....

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Total fruitcase,couple of years agi when attending a summit in Rome one of his aids contacted a "hostess" agency and requested they supply 500 "Beautiful" italian ladies over five-seven in height and aged between 18 and 35,all the ladies were given a lecture on converting to islam,handed a copy of the Koran and sent packing?????

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Total fruitcase,couple of years agi when attending a summit in Rome one of his aids contacted a "hostess" agency and requested they supply 500 "Beautiful" italian ladies over five-seven in height and aged between 18 and 35,all the ladies were given a lecture on converting to islam,handed a copy of the Koran and sent packing?????



he also farted through a whole interview with some war correspondent.aye he was a loony that one.showing his corpse on the news now.there pics on the net aswell

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IMO, this war has shamed the Royal Air Force, Britain and the west. Totaly illegal, imoral and despicable, random use of depleted uranium munitions, use of white phosphorous in Sirte and Bheni whallid (spelling) widespread civillian casualties, it stinks. :censored:

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