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Air rifle maintenance question

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Hello there,


This is my first post on the forum after lurking about for a while (so try not to destroy me over a simple question) and I can't seem to find a post that deals with this question through the search engine.


I'm using a springer to hunt (gamo shadow .22) and the barrel and some of the other metal parts are getting a few rust spots.

What's the best way to clean the metal work without ruining the blueing on the gun?


I was looking at some Napier and Bisley gun oils but they seemed more aimed at bore cleaning and I'm not interested in cleaning the inside of the barrel just the exterior.


Thanks in advance,



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Hi Doc and welcome to THL.


I just use a gun oil either spray or drip onto a clean duster then wipe over all relevant parts block, barrel, stock (if wood). I generally do this after each time I use my rifle.


ATB, Andy

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Prevention is better than cure of course, so good rifle care after an outing is the best way of not getting spots. However, as you already have them, the best bet is a screwed up bit of tin foil. Aluminium is harder than rust, but not as hard as steel, so it will remove the rust but not damage the steel.


Rub it on dry at first, then a little oil and give it a final finish. Then wipe down with a lightly oiled rag to leave a thin coating of oil.

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Hi Doc.


Welcome to THL :thumbs: you ask away mate, we are all still learning, never stop :thumbs:

As above spray drip onto cloth and rub over the rifle, dont spray directly onto rifle.

After every trip mine gets a good wipe down, even after just handling the rifle indoors, sweat off your hands is very corrosive, bit OTT for some maybe, but I like to do it.




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Yep, bit of scrunched up foil works a treat. There are other methods, but thats pretty easy to remember :yes:

Then as mentioned, a wipe with a rag and a lil oil, that reminds me! Must practice what I preach :icon_redface:


Welcome aboard :bye:



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wd 40 works verry well i use it all time on my gun makes it look like new dont use a rag use a scowering pad thats what i allways use and it works mint :)

wd40 is water based and makes it worse and doesnt protect 3in1 is the way forward :thumbs:

is it realy i use it all time and it never dose my gun no harm it dose say on the can drives out moister lol

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wd 40 works verry well i use it all time on my gun makes it look like new dont use a rag use a scowering pad thats what i allways use and it works mint :)

wd40 is water based and makes it worse and doesnt protect 3in1 is the way forward :thumbs:

is it realy i use it all time and it never dose my gun no harm it dose say on the can drives out moister lol

I allways used it my self mate and then some one told me so I looked it up and its seems to be right so I just opt for the 3 in 1 now just to be on the safe side.

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wd 40 works verry well i use it all time on my gun makes it look like new dont use a rag use a scowering pad thats what i allways use and it works mint :)

wd40 is water based and makes it worse and doesnt protect 3in1 is the way forward :thumbs:

is it realy i use it all time and it never dose my gun no harm it dose say on the can drives out moister lol

I allways used it my self mate and then some one told me so I looked it up and its seems to be right so I just opt for the 3 in 1 now just to be on the safe side.

think i might now lol thanks pal :)

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wd 40 works verry well i use it all time on my gun makes it look like new dont use a rag use a scowering pad thats what i allways use and it works mint :)

wd40 is water based and makes it worse and doesnt protect 3in1 is the way forward :thumbs:

is it realy i use it all time and it never dose my gun no harm it dose say on the can drives out moister lol

I allways used it my self mate and then some one told me so I looked it up and its seems to be right so I just opt for the 3 in 1 now just to be on the safe side.

think i might now lol thanks pal :)


WD's not water bassed, it's a kerosene based carrier with silicon as a lube. It's not best for metal to metal lubrication as it's so thin and silicon's a rubbish metal to metal lube. It's very good at keeping moisture at bay though, it's exactly what it was designed for.

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wd 40 works verry well i use it all time on my gun makes it look like new dont use a rag use a scowering pad thats what i allways use and it works mint :)

wd40 is water based and makes it worse and doesnt protect 3in1 is the way forward :thumbs:

is it realy i use it all time and it never dose my gun no harm it dose say on the can drives out moister lol

I allways used it my self mate and then some one told me so I looked it up and its seems to be right so I just opt for the 3 in 1 now just to be on the safe side.

think i might now lol thanks pal :)


WD's not water bassed, it's a kerosene based carrier with silicon as a lube. It's not best for metal to metal lubrication as it's so thin and silicon's a rubbish metal to metal lube. It's very good at keeping moisture at bay though, it's exactly what it was designed for.

wd 40 i silicone free mate it says it on the can and have done for 30plus years :/

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