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what age for a fox

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:blink: As it's illegal in England mate then the answer is never!!

Ian's written the main points of hunting with dogs in a pinned topic at the top of the running dog section. Might be worth a read!


Now if you asked what age people's dogs were when they used to be able to work fox Pre-Ban then they might be able to help you!! :good:

Edited by bullmastiff
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its a bit of a tricky question


everyones different


14 months and on for me the dogs got to be grown enought


id start by letting it have a rag on one thats already been shot/dead


before the ban our young ones we used to let a dog catch one give it a pasting then pull it off


and let the young one chase it again


the dogs bones have got to be just about fully grown and strong teeth





dobby :victory:

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when the dogs ready for it....some are ready at a young age some are never ready

anytime between 14 and 18 months for me again depends on the dog but why risk a sapling gibbing for the sake of a couple of months! i generally start a dog end of july beggining of aug get em goin on young stuff to bring the confidence up!!!

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Guest alastair

about 6months or just after the get there second set of teeth .. :D;) :whistle:



ok 5 then :laugh::laugh::laugh::laugh::laugh:



feck me hob and jill you knacked it for me then ... :laugh:;)


:D shit you nearly got me with that one :tongue2:

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