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bushing dogs

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use this for bushing

patt x springer

Feck look at the udders on that baby ,I thought it were a sheep suckling

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ya i excersise my fella in an unused sand quarry and in the adjoining fields around it ,the cover is tick enough so im sure im missing out on quite abit of quarry sitting in the cover .defentinly dont want a dog going to ground on me though cause the setts are very deep so a springer would be a great help.i believe there a very handy dog to have around the big ears also get them out of their seat

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ya i excersise my fella in an unused sand quarry and in the adjoining fields around it ,the cover is tick enough so im sure im missing out on quite abit of quarry sitting in the cover .defentinly dont want a dog going to ground on me though cause the setts are very deep so a springer would be a great help.i believe there a very handy dog to have around the big ears also get them out of their seat

what about a springerx footbeagle very handy on fox cheers danny

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ya i excersise my fella in an unused sand quarry and in the adjoining fields around it ,the cover is tick enough so im sure im missing out on quite abit of quarry sitting in the cover .defentinly dont want a dog going to ground on me though cause the setts are very deep so a springer would be a great help.i believe there a very handy dog to have around the big ears also get them out of their seat

what about a springerx footbeagle very handy on fox cheers danny

im going out with a lad in the morning who has a few foot beagles and a footbeagle springer cross was never out with him before so should be good sport.he was telling me earlier he has been putting down meat scraps for the last week in the place where going so hopefully will meet some game.

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ya i excersise my fella in an unused sand quarry and in the adjoining fields around it ,the cover is tick enough so im sure im missing out on quite abit of quarry sitting in the cover .defentinly dont want a dog going to ground on me though cause the setts are very deep so a springer would be a great help.i believe there a very handy dog to have around the big ears also get them out of their seat

what about a springerx footbeagle very handy on fox cheers danny

im going out with a lad in the morning who has a few foot beagles and a footbeagle springer cross was never out with him before so should be good sport.he was telling me earlier he has been putting down meat scraps for the last week in the place where going so hopefully will meet some game.

ya will have a good day cant beat the hounds when after fox. got 2 with the lurchers last sunday 1 each and 2 to the gun cheers danny

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