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laser range finders

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Hi everyone , i am about to buy a laser range finder , either the hawke 400 which is £114 or the VK which is £83 .my question is has anybody used either of these models before as the spec for them is exactly the same and im wondering if it would be worth while buying the Vk and using the money i would save to go towards a bipod or are these inferior to the hawke ,i cant find any reviews for Vk . Thought i would ask as someone on the forum will know the answer im sure .Oh and while im posting might as well ask how does the bipod fit to the rifle , i bought the rifle second hand and it was used with a bipod and still has the stud thingy attached , does it fit on to this and will any bipod fit it . sorry for all the questions but i want to make sure im getting the right thing before its to late and iv blown my cash .





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I got my LRF from China, (where most are manufactured).

Very handy devices for teaching you different ranges if your not too good with them.

However it's not too good to use them before each shot you take as by the time you've pinged it and got the gun back to your eye, the quarry has usually moved :doh:

Beware though the batteries can be a little expensive, just changed mine and it cost me £8 OUCH! Still got it a couple of years ago and the batts only just gone.



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Peter, been looking at range findesr myself, not yet made the purchase, but I am not sure if the VK displays in yards as well as metres, as some of the cheaper ones are only metres. If you dont need yards then can't see much point in paying more. If it does dispay yards then let me know as I will proberly go for the VK.


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thanks for the replys guys, tony what type did you buy ,just out of curiosity , i noticed the specs on both the lrf i mentioned say they measure in meters but i believe the hawke can do both yards and meters , im not sure about the VK, anyone know if thats true .



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Hi Peter,

Mine was 6x25 800m /yard and also at the press and hold of a button, converted to yards.

I think a lot if not most will do the same, but don't quote me on that! lol


Its identical to this one right down to the neck strap, wrist strap and lens cloth and VF Reticle Only differance is the range mine goes up to 800 yards.



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nobody seems to use the VK model,mmm maybe thats a sign , im still not sure what one to buy ,i know it will help a lot with getting to know my ranges ,just want to make sure i get the right one , im leaning towards the hawke purely because its what everyone else seems to use but on the other hand the VK is £30 cheaper .why cant things just be easy eh.

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A neat tip is to look for golf ones as well, we have a Longridge Pin Point, works up to 500 metres, so more than enough for air gun work, we picked it up for £70! It is the same basic unit as a Hawke, including the rain setting! Have used it for some lovely long range shots too, they do work, especially with Chairgun!

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I picked up a nikko sterling off fleabay for about £60 I think. Works brilliantly out to 1000 yards and have measured it against a good tape and it's accurate. I've used it for shots out to 300 yards with the .243 (at paper, nothing live)


Have a trawl on eBay and you might get a bargain!

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