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A few hard earned rabbits on Sunday

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On Sunday my cousin and myself headed out to a small permission we have ferreted for a good while now. This land doesn't hold big numbers and most of the warrens are hard work this time of the year. The first Warren we worked was a decent size, over 30 holes but we were only able to net up 21 due to thick bramble cover.


With two Jill's collared up and raring to go, in they went and it didn't take long before we had a bolt, unfortunately it made its escape from one of the many holes that couldn't be netted. A few minutes later another bolted for freedom again from an un-netted hole, closely followed by another from the same hole. Around five minutes later we finally had one hit a net , and as quickly as it was dispatched we had two more hit nets almost at the same time.


The difficult first warren:






Netting up most of the holes on this one was a bit difficult:






One of the easy holes to net with the least amount of cover:





At least I had a chance to try out my new self made nets




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3 out and ready to move to the next:






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The next few warrens proved unsuccessful but the next was better, in went my silver Jill and one bolted quickly but it took a good 15-20 mins for the next to bolt which deffinetly gave the Jill the run-around but she eventually forced it out. We ended the day with Just five but they were deffinetly hard earned.






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