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WELL cud not feel the ends of me fingers, add a trip. not a million mlies from ######## ,, rain with sleet in it, wet frew in min,s,, 4 degrees, with a good wind behind it,, the dogs took hell of a battering, you cud tell they was not comfi,, feild water logged,, we got a 26 off the 1st place,, cud of called it a nite,, but went too a diff, place, the rain add stoped, and the moon was out, fackin day light,,, the rabbits at times pissed the way home, striat frew the sheep fence,, the dogs at to step up a gear,,and catch, has quik as they cud,, then at 2,ish, 4X4, stoped and lamped us,, the car was in a shit place,, bushed the gear and went back to the motor,, no sigh of it . sat it out for about 30,mins,,and got stuck back in,,, ending the nite on 56, me pup, got 28, and all so gaffa, add run for run,,,and they done well,


Edited by robert michem
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