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Up this morning for 5.30am to give myself plenty of time to walk the dogs, Stoke the fire ready for the family getting up later e.t.c before heading out to try and stalk a roe buck. The first port of call was a good size wood in which I saw some roe deer entering yesterday morning while checking the pheasants, After going round the outside and then through the wood it turned out to be non productive this morning. So I set off back to my truck to have a look elsewhere, upon reaching the next port of call only two minuets away there around one of the feeders on another shoot I help with was three does and one buck! the nerves kicked in as I parked my truck up and got out the rifle and shooting stick, Keep calm I told myself and don't rush into the stalk. I started to walk slowly through the rough at the side of the wood in which I saw the deer, about twenty yards in I noticed two of the does had walked out onto the drilled field then the other doe followed by the buck about 80 meters away. I slowly put the rifle on the sticks and took aim at the buck, he was moving a lot and i was not happy to take A shot so I decided to move myself a bit closer to a better place but they caught wind of me and moved off across the field. I headed back to my truck and drove round to where I thought they would be heading? and shore enough there on the field to my left as I drove down a track was the party of four lead by a nice six pointer! well I thought he was; any way to stop boring you any more I got out the truck grabbed my Remington .243 rested it on my hand between the door and wing mirror put the cross hairs on the buck and squeezed the trigger, dropping the deer where he stood. Here is a couple of snaps I took with my phone, I know its no gold medal but I am pleased.

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You seem very at ease with the stalking situation mate ,you sure its your first :angel:

:yes: Yep, my first deer mate. Paid to go on one stalk last year but never saw a buck at all. I lost my job due to ill health and then to top it off I had a heart attack a year ago so I can't afford to pay for the sport at the moment but gained permission to control the deer on my door step, and this was the result of my morning out.

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