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out this morning with the kits

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i had my nephew on the phone the other day asking when we can start working mine and his kits so i said that we would have a look out with them this morning so we set off at 7am this morning we took his jill kit which i bred and gave him he has to keep it at my house as his mam hates ferrets she says there like rats :laugh: and we also took my polecat jill kit and the mother to my nephews kit we arrived at our location at about 7.30am i desided to take the terriers with me as well today im not keen on taking my patterdale cause it wants to kill the ferrets everytime it sees them but i thought i would take him and my patterdale x russel the patterdale marks sometimes but its not 100% on marking and the patt x russel is just starting to mark. we got to the first set and let the terriers have a sniff at the holes and there was one that they both showed a bit of intrest in so we put the dogs on the lead and tied them up away from the set and netted up it was a 6 holer we desided to give my nephews kit ago but it kept going so far in and coming back out so i desided to run its mother through with it once i did that it took off after about a min we heard bumping and out bolts a rabbit i dived on that one and despatched it i picked the mother up and put it back down the hole and reset the net it worked the rest of the set and came out ath the other end of it with the kit behind it the kits claws were covered in rabbit fur so i think that it had had a go at the rabbit to, my nephew was chuffed to bits with his ferret we picked up all the nets and boxed the ferrets and moved on to the next set where we gave the same 2 ferrets another go we gave the dogs another sniff at the holes but they didnt mark it so we netted all the holes up anyway and entered them about 2 mins went past before we heard bumping then the rabbit bolts out on my nephews side of the dyke in to the net which got caught on something and didnt purse right and the rabbit got out and went down the set next to us we got the ferrets out and put them in the box and picked up the nets and moved to the set where the rabbit had ran to i gave my patt x russel a sniff at all the holes but he didnt show any intrest he was more intrested in the rabbit we'd already caught so we tied him back up and netted up i desided to give my polecat kit ago in this set so i collared it up and entered it it went straight in and after about 4 mins we heard bumping and the rabbit bolts out of a hole that my nephew nettted up and he dived on it he was over the moon that hed caught a rabbit in a net that hed set hes only caught a couple in nets that he has set so each one he catches is like his first :D. i got the polecat out and ran the mother through just to make sure there was nothing more in that set which there wasnt so we desided to move to another place about a mile away when we got there there was a couple of rabbits running around so i desided to let the terriers off and let them ratch through the brambles to see if we could put anything to ground we got further down the dyke and found that alot of the cover is dying down and found the terriers marking a set that i didnt know was there as a few month ago the cover was right up and it couldnt be seen it was about 14 holes so we put hte dogs on the lead and tied them up we netted up all the holes and desided to give the mother of my nephews kit ago as i thought this set was to big to start kits off in she was in about 40 seconds before we heard bumping then the first rabbit bolted we dispatched that one and renetted and put the ferret back down after another min or so we heard bumping again and another rabbit bolted over my nephews side of the set he grabbed that one and passed it to me to dispatch it while he renetted the hole the ferret had already gone back down and with in 20 seconds the third and final rabbit bolted into a load of brambles and managed to get out of the net but i just managed to get to it just as it got out of the net a second later and it would have been away i got a few nettle stings and thorns in my hands off that one im still picking then out now :laugh: :laugh: we tried a couple more sets but nothing more was at home we desided to call it a day as my nephew had to be for half ten as he was going out with his mother we finished the the day with 5 rabbits and were home by 10am i didnt get any pics of the day out as my camera is broke i had to borrow one of my mother to get these pics of the kits and the older jill with the rabbits. i hope you like the write up and pics atb for the season :thumbs: . the bottom pic is the mother of the sandy kit.







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Great write-up , your nephew 's got the bug then ha, can't wait to take this years kits out myself , but down ere everythings still overgrown :huh: atb.

thanks pal yeh he's definatly got the bug :laugh: its still a bit overgrown here but theres certain places where its died down, we could do with a good hard frost to kill everything off hopefully it wont be long till the frost comes :thumbs: atb pal.

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