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Easy job?

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Had another mop up job today on a little wood that was partialy cleared two years ago, to hopefully create a wildlife pond, well how fast do some trees grow when cut back :icon_eek:




Your good if you can spot any runs in this :D




For the eagle eyed among you there's two red nets set on the left hand side of this next pic :D




I told the Mrs it would be a piece of p*ss this little job, and she could enjoy the sunshine and fresh air, and I would get her to the pub for a spot of lunch before they stopped serving, I was a little optimistic about the run time of this job :icon_redface: Anyway, we netted up everything that we could see, which wasn't much, about 20 nets were set, and I just new that for a few of the inhabitants of this wood it was going to be their lucky day.








The nets are dotted all over the place, no dog today because of all the rusty five gallon drums and corrugated iron sheets, and bits of barbed wire, she would be ripped to shreds and out of action first bolt. So this made the job time wise a shade longer than predicted, can you hear the nagging already :D


Like I said, this is a mop up job, and as predicted, half of the six that were left after being shot off, escaped over the horizon with no dog to stop them :censored:

And the other half of the six looked like this.




And the one of the rabbits is Mondays tea, casseroled




And in the time it has taken me to write this, my neighbour has just taken one of the other rabbits for a casserole, this hunting life eh!

Keep at them folks! :D

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LOL like the write up mate, i can definately hear the nagging, I'm a mug and say something like " I'll be back for 2 and then we'll go out for the afternoon", when I stroll in at 5 the nagging starts. lol

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