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High and low rabbits and a flying ferret!!

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Picked up my lad and his saluki type jet from his place at 7 this morning. Destination watership down.


The star turns were big trev last years and two young jills flash, a little silver and eileen, a tiny sandy. All being carried in my proto type back pack ferret/net carrying box box (Specially made so at least when i fall over i have two hands free to save myself, Arthritis is great fun!!)


backing me up was the clinically insane Maggie ( kelpi/grew).


The first thing evident when we got there that there was way too much cover to even go near the hedgerow sets so the plan was to stick to the base of walls and some mid field sets. The new mark 3 collars were put onto flash and trev and away we went.


most of these warrens are around about 10 to 20 holers and usually have 4 or 5 rabbits in each but without the dogs you can never tell and they didnt let us down jet is a class act and has matured into a great dog especially after last years near miss when he sleeved his leg on barbed wire.


We netted up the first set and it wasnt long before the first rabbit was in the bag quickly followed by a catch by mags and then a tug of war between her and jet. This was always on the cards as maggie will not give up her catch to another dog (she will sit in the garden gaurding a dog toy all day rather than leave it for one of the other dogs). the next warren was a mid fielder in long grass with a load of holes and tiny bolt holes everywhere we netted what we could see and popped the three ferrets in. The little sandy eilleen has done nothing and just mucked about in and out of holes and generally playing this was ok by me but all of a sudden both dogs went rigid and pointed at her a sure sign of an impending bolt and sure enough BANG out flys a rabbit and up went eilleen about 4 foot in the air!! jet caught the rabbit and maggie almost caught the ferret before she realised what it was and let it drop. it was the funniest thing ive seen in a long time.


The little ferret was ok but she stopped playing and proceeded to hunt like an old timer she was out for revenge.


josh picked up a netted rabbit only to have a tape worm cyst explode all over him. its the first infected rabbit i have come across but ive seen pictures it was f......ing minging.


the morning continued in much the same way the dogs marking was spot on and the total reached 10 at 11.30am. the amount of cover played havoc and a lot of the fields had young beef in them so i decided to travel right up the dale to see a friend who said they were plagued with rabbits but only had one field,


That one field backed onto an old quarry and lead mine and the friendly farmer next door gave us permission what a result!! not great dog country but excellent for the shotguns. another hour on this spot got 5 more rabbits but the ferrets were tired and the sets too big we lost a fair few with it being new ground but there is loads left to do and next time we will have the right equipment for the job






eilleen the flying ferret




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next time john i wasnt exactly sure if she is old enough yet, she is a little cracker though and im sure she will do well, ive called her blondie. very happy with the mk3 by the way flash killed in twice today but when we dug to her she moved on so we never did get the dead rabbits. sods law!!

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  On 16/10/2011 at 19:18, stroller said:
next time john i wasnt exactly sure if she is old enough yet, she is a little cracker though and im sure she will do well, ive called her blondie. very happy with the mk3 by the way flash killed in twice today but when we dug to her she moved on so we never did get the dead rabbits. sods law!!

I've got a cracking little Jill and hob here there about 6 weeks now would like to keep them but a think of got enough.

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Good read mate, sound like a good day out.

I took out this years jill for her first run yesterday, she was messing a fair bit couldv'e done with a rabbit giving her a whack into the air :laugh:

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