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should I hack of the skirting board?

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I set mine in a cupboard but the skirting boards at the bottom of the cabinet fixed it to the wall and the floor the F.A.O. never comments on it and its been there during four of his visits .Its only a slight gap and i dont reckon you would have the room to try a crowbar

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y didnt you put it bove the skirting board in the first place?

i had the bright idea of standing the cabinit on an empty quality street tin to raise it above the skirting board whilst i marked,drilled and bolted it to the wall, trouble is when id finished i remeb

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Al just add that the modern house today will have plaster board screwed onto wood strapping. Even if you take of the skirting board you would still be able to burst the plaster board with a crowbar and get behind it a little.They dont expect you to strip the plaster of to get your cabinet fixed staright onto a wall. Mines isn't even fixed to brick. There not that anal when the come to check!!

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My first cabinet was above skirting board so only attached with 4 bolts . Feo asked me to open cabinet up he then procided to put a foot in bottom and pull it off the wall ! It never moved at all he seemed more than happy ? And if anyone knows which feo im talkin about hes a big thick set bloke ! Ring was twitchin a bit when I realised what he was doin lol !

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My first cabinet was above skirting board so only attached with 4 bolts . Feo asked me to open cabinet up he then procided to put a foot in bottom and pull it off the wall ! It never moved at all he seemed more than happy ? And if anyone knows which feo im talkin about hes a big thick set bloke ! Ring was twitchin a bit when I realised what he was doin lol !

I'd have asked him what he was doing then. How can they do that with the door open...... :icon_eek:

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i live in a rented house and ripping the skirting board up wouldnt go down to well so all i did was place a peice of 18mm mdf which is the same thickness as the skirting behind the cabinet and bolted through that into the wall keeping it all flush

Sounds like an excellentg solution to me, bud.



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  • 4 weeks later...

Lads, the FAO officer came round the other night. Passed me cabinet did my interview asked about my shooting expierence

then told me about three weeks my SGC will in through the door. The excitment to get my first shotty is killing me

Thanks to all of you lads for the help!




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i had the bright idea of standing the cabinit on an empty quality street tin to raise it above the skirting board whilst i marked,drilled and bolted it to the wall, trouble is when id finished i remebered i hadnt taken it out. its stuck solid and has been there for over 6 years now.

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