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mate of mine has a problem with rats around the back of his house.

he doesnt want to use poision because of the dogs and young kids.

he told me last night that he got another lad comeing to day with a few ferrets to flush them out.

he also claims that the smell of the ferrets will keep the rats away.

does this really work.


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mate of mine has a problem with rats around the back of his house.

he doesnt want to use poision because of the dogs and young kids.

he told me last night that he got another lad comeing to day with a few ferrets to flush them out.

he also claims that the smell of the ferrets will keep the rats away.

does this really work.


no it wont bud but kill them when they bolt

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I was never keen on using my ferrets on rats at the best of times they might bolt easy if there no breeding but a doe with young and a ferret could have a right scrap and i value a good working ferret too much

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Guest cookiemonsterandmerlin

its what ferrets were bred for mainly, now its a taboo for some reason



Not taboo just out of fashion easier cleaner ways of dealing with rat problems.



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Not convinced the smell of ferts would keep rats away in every instance, but our neighbour complained of rats coming from my garden the day we moved in (sociable fella, great knack of introducing himself), but said he hadn't seen any since we moved in. Ferts are in garden, so maybe the smell of them does work at times? As Cookie said, better ways of sorting a rat problem than using ferts for the job. I'd rather my ferts didn't battle a rat.

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the smell of ferrets does not keep rats away....fact.

I have rats in and out of my ferret shed all the time.

The front of one of cages has been chewed by rats......

They go through ferrets shit bags to get any scraps of ferret food left...

Guaranteed...it does not keep rats away! :thumbs:

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used to rat a lot in eighties as rabbits were scarce localy , and we didnt have a hare dog at time, used to take several jils terriers folding four ten boards over the runs along hedges , great sport , ferrets got bit up, if you kept at it , but we only ever done it when we were bored ,had a lot of injuries but heeled up after a week we used antiseptic and if we had none some of my mates dads aftershave it stung them but heeled up the cuts having alchol in it,hate the things would wipe them out , had them running over me to close to comfort, gives me the heebi jeebis ,

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put the decrements of the ferret shed down when you clean the ferrets out - we had a massive problem with rats this year at the chicken sheds and we were told that they cant stand the smell of ferret poo - we were slightly skeptical about it but hey ho gave it a try.we have not had a rat in the allotment for 6 months!it seems that they really do not stand the smell and it does work

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Don't understand why people are so worried about working rats with ferrets as long as the ferret has done a season on rabbits and is not too big its great sport, have never had a ferret get a bad bite from a rat and I have done thousands. The smell of ferrets does not bother rats at all have worked the same spots all winter and the rats carry on using the same holes.

Edited by Plong
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