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approx 2 year old, sandy.


Saluki/Grey x Bull/grey


excellent nighttime dog, has taken healthy bags of hare's preban, roe deer, fox, im sure given the chance he would have pulled fallow hinds singlehanded.


He is an excellent worker from what i have seen, he certainly knos the game of lamping out the van, he is straight out, over the fence, and back again. Comes to call, retrieves.


not sure what he is like around the sheep though, may need educated.


he runs well alongside other dogs.











The 7 hares in this picture were caught almost single handed, as the dog running alongside was a bit sluggish with the turning.










Why my uncle wants to give this dog up, ios beyond me, i just had a text today asking me to advertise them for him as he is jacking in lurcherwork.


I would take him myself, but as i still live with the old folks, it will take a lot of talking into.




The second dog, i know absolutely nothin about except 3/4bull x 1/4grey approx 6months old but if your intrested, i can certainly find out


PM me if your intrested, or if you need to ask any questions

Edited by Rabbithunter
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i pm you mate a few days ago are the dogs not for sale now


ive done it before with fishing


right all mi tackles going


two days later its not


let us know whats happening mate



dobby :victory:

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  • 1 year later...
approx 2 year old, sandy.


Saluki/Grey x Bull/grey


excellent nighttime dog, has taken healthy bags of hare's preban, roe deer, fox, im sure given the chance he would have pulled fallow hinds singlehanded.


He is an excellent worker from what i have seen, he certainly knos the game of lamping out the van, he is straight out, over the fence, and back again. Comes to call, retrieves.


not sure what he is like around the sheep though, may need educated.


he runs well alongside other dogs.











The 7 hares in this picture were caught almost single handed, as the dog running alongside was a bit sluggish with the turning.










Why my uncle wants to give this dog up, ios beyond me, i just had a text today asking me to advertise them for him as he is jacking in lurcherwork.


I would take him myself, but as i still live with the old folks, it will take a lot of talking into.




The second dog, i know absolutely nothin about except 3/4bull x 1/4grey approx 6months old but if your intrested, i can certainly find out


PM me if your intrested, or if you need to ask any questions

is dog 1 still for sale is he till doing stuff in day time ring me on 07747072028 jimmy
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