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There f**k all the Tories would do that would suprise me.

They are ruthless, but unfortunaetly to the true people of this nation. While others get a free ride.

To think I used to vote for that shower. Under a false pretence that they were all for Britain, silly me! The fact is they are all in it for themselfs. We used to bully and rip the pish out these c**ts at school. Little did we realise we would need to graft and struggle. For everything we have, while they had it Sussed, get into public office, never do a hard days shift and reap all the freebies and perks you can get you'r grubby little hands on!

Edited by scothunter
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It's not that they think they are owed a house. The council house was introduced, to stop unscrupulous landlords. Also to keep a work force within in the town. Not all people living in council propert

got a mate at 40 never worked a day or payed tax in his life married 3 kids 2 which dont work 4 bedroom house car phone computor all mod cons ive worked payed tax for 34 years work was quiet went to s

very stereo typical that cookie, both my parents are dead and my wifes parents none went into a nursing home. foriegn people have different values when it comes to homes but i for one believe an engli

Guest cookiemonsterandmerlin
  On 17/09/2012 at 19:19, paulus said:
  On 17/09/2012 at 19:15, cookiemonsterandmerlin said:
  On 17/09/2012 at 19:10, paulus said:
  On 17/09/2012 at 19:04, cookiemonsterandmerlin said:

What lets us down as indivuals is our goal of becoming indivuals by wanting our own houses foreign famlies have alot of faults but there morals on buying houses for the children starting with the eldest son etc and living in a house as a large famliy .

And looking after the elders instead of english folk who cant wait to ship there parents into a nursing home ASAP.


ATB Cookie

very stereo typical that cookei, both my parents are dead and my wifes parents none went into a nursing home. foriegn people have different values when it comes to homes but i for one believe an english mans home is his castle rented or owned makes not one ounce of difference :thumbs:


Paul a english mans house is castle maybe but if he does not own it then its another person castle who is willing to let you live in it for a exchanged of queens folded and within there you are bound by a contract that with correct legal notice can be cancelled.



privately rented you have a point but social housing was ment to be a home for life. i know plenty of people who have lived in their council houses for years and paid rent week in week out without a problem, now they will have to pay more rent or move because they might have a spare bedroom or 2 :hmm:


After living in tied cottage till I was 5ish then to a council house till old man and mum splitup till 14ish I am not blind to council house living etc.


Theres a old lady in our local village who lives in 4 bedroom council house on her todd for the last 20 years :icon_eek: while being offered a nice bunaglow in the same village 5 mins away from her family home .


It does not make sense when you got local familes desprate to stay in there village and there one person living a 4 bedroom house owned by us :blink: that could help the next generation of locals stay local instead of being shipped 40 miles away .


ATB Cookie

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Guest cookiemonsterandmerlin
  On 17/09/2012 at 19:56, nothernlite said:

well cookie the council wont be long in getting her out now with the new policys the torries have brought in atb


I am not saying its morally right just if I had family in my old village which I grew up in and knew the situ where this old lady can also stay in the village by offering a more suitable one bed bungalow but refused and me and missus and kids had to moved outside our village it would grate.

The old lady and her family had enjoyed the pleasure of the village for last 60 years and now is the time to let the next generation enjoy the village.


ATB Cookie

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Thing is that forced move for that old dear, could very well be the beginning of dementia or her demise!

Old folk are funny buggers. A simple gas check, or attic check, can send these oaps into disarray. They know there whole day, down to the very time they have a cup of tea. Any deviation of thst routine gets them upset, f**k knows how they would react being herded out of thier home, prob a home they lost thier spouse in.

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Playing devils advocate here. Why do people think they are owed a house? Im not saying its right that people should live on the street but you ahve to admit that you know a good few people who dont need that 3 bed semi they are living in. How about people quit smoking and drinking as much and get a deposit down for a house? If people can afford a 50" telly, the latest i phone or a new car every few years then they should pay more for there council house or just not have one altogether so people who need one can get one that is suitable for their situation.


People are quite happy to hop on a free ride then they moan to f**k when they loose it. If people were more sensible with there money then they could do what ever they wanted because it would be their bricks and their mortar.


Im not saying that council houses are a bad idea im just saying i dont think every one that has one needs one.


Playing devils advocate of course ;)

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Other side of the coin, there's three and four bedroom houses tied up by single people and couples of different ages whilst families are cramped into smaller accomodation. I don't think anyone should be forced to move but perhaps if an incentive of some sort was offered. Another angle, what if the people already in the homes were on benefits and getting their rent paid and the people looking for a larger home worked and were actually willing to pay the rent?, should they get priority?.

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It's not that they think they are owed a house. The council house was introduced, to stop unscrupulous landlords. Also to keep a work force within in the town. Not all people living in council properties are claiming benefit. They pay there rent religiously, and keep there home and gardens in great shape. Think of they same people have lived in that home all there working life. Then at the very least they should have the choice whether to die in that same home. Instead of having big fancy functions for the councillors And firework displays , build more houses. Well that's if you still have land to build them on, and not flogged it off to f*****g tesco !

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  On 17/09/2012 at 20:43, scothunter said:

It's not that they think they are owed a house. The council house was introduced, to stop unscrupulous landlords. Also to keep a work force within in the town. Not all people living in council properties are claiming benefit. They pay there rent religiously, and keep there home and gardens in great shape. Think of they same people have lived in that home all there working life. Then at the very least they should have the choice whether to die in that same home. Instead of having big fancy functions for the councillors And firework displays , build more houses. Well that's if you still have land to build them on, and not flogged it off to f*****g tesco !


I beg to differ mate, there are many many people who think they are owed a house, just as they think they're owed everything else in life.We all know people on benefits sitting rent free in 3/4 bedroomed houses, for where as they might not find the prospect of honest toil appealing they seem to have unlimited stamina when it comes to reproducing. Then the monkey see monkey do mentality kicks in and when the offspring become fertile then they too start to reproduce and then they request, nay demand a council house with a room apiece for Pocahontas and wee Maradona because they're entitled don't you know. So what we have is a couple of spongers who have produced a hoard to rival that of Ghengis Khan sitting in a large house free gratis whilst their kids tie up god knows how many more and young couples with families and a will to work are sitting paying full rent in a small, not suitable house. Don't seem fair to me, seems the worker is always the loser.

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  On 17/09/2012 at 21:24, bigdaz said:
  On 17/09/2012 at 20:43, scothunter said:

It's not that they think they are owed a house. The council house was introduced, to stop unscrupulous landlords. Also to keep a work force within in the town. Not all people living in council properties are claiming benefit. They pay there rent religiously, and keep there home and gardens in great shape. Think of they same people have lived in that home all there working life. Then at the very least they should have the choice whether to die in that same home. Instead of having big fancy functions for the councillors And firework displays , build more houses. Well that's if you still have land to build them on, and not flogged it off to f*****g tesco !


I beg to differ mate, there are many many people who think they are owed a house, just as they think they're owed everything else in life.We all know people on benefits sitting rent free in 3/4 bedroomed houses, for where as they might not find the prospect of honest toil appealing they seem to have unlimited stamina when it comes to reproducing. Then the monkey see monkey do mentality kicks in and when the offspring become fertile then they too start to reproduce and then they request, nay demand a council house with a room apiece for Pocahontas and wee Maradona because they're entitled don't you know. So what we have is a couple of spongers who have produced a hoard to rival that of Ghengis Khan sitting in a large house free gratis whilst their kids tie up god knows how many more and young couples with families and a will to work are sitting paying full rent in a small, not suitable house. Don't seem fair to me, seems the worker is always the loser.

very true aye and we are paying for the spongers as i said this country caters for spongers and there f--king offspring atb
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That's what I'm saying mate, not all are at the fiddle. Why should the couple who didn't have kids( for whatever Reason) or the bachelor, spinster, widow. Who never missed a weeks rent or caused a bit of trouble in thier life, be treated like this! We treat our old people with enough disrespect without doing this to them in thier twilight years. Yes there are council properties which probably aren't best suit to certain people, and also there are those should milk the system for all it's worth, but this certainly isn't the answer. Oh And just remember these benefit scroungers were prob up until recently working full time And paying there dues, but there a few million ob the dole. Are they all worthless workshy cheats? Blame the administrators and dodgy councillors for giving out houses that were best suited for famlies.

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down the road from me a 70 year old man who had lived in the same house since birth and never married or left home, worked all his life for the midland red as a machanic, lived with his mother until she died the other year, rent had been paid on the house for well over 70 years never mind a 25 year morgage. as his name wasn`t on the rent book he had to get out after the death of his mother. he and his mother had paid for that house several times over and deserve more respect than that, greed is/has taken over the world

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  On 17/09/2012 at 21:46, paulus said:

down the road from me a 70 year old man who had lived in the same house since birth and never married or left home, worked all his life for the midland red as a machanic, lived with his mother until she died the other year, rent had been paid on the house for well over 70 years never mind a 25 year morgage. as his name wasn`t on the rent book he had to get out after the death of his mother. he and his mother had paid for that house several times over and deserve more respect than that, greed is/has taken over the world

i bught my grand parents bungalow for them from the council they lived in it untill they died rent free :thumbs:
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The problem i think is a few things.


1. Common sense: Our so called leaders, local and national, often dont have any. The instance Paulus spoke about could have been solved if the person making the decisions had some.


2. Im not saying every one thinks they are owed a house, some people genuinely cant get a job that will pay enough for them to live some were else. There are on the other hand alot of people who are quite happy to do f**k all and think its their right, which it isnt.



3. Wasting Money. I agree with you Scothunter. Councilers should get a decent wage to attract people to the job but were at the stage now were some of em have a bigger wage than the PM of the bloody country. That is ridiculous. Kitting out new offices every few years is ridiculous when some of the social housing is in a terrible state.


4. Its still rented accommodation. Exactly what it says on the tin. if the landlord needs you out then with enough notice then unfortunately your out. But you can if you want buy your house for an extreamly discounted price. Which is exactly what i would be aiming to do if i was in some one like thats position.

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