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Problems zeroing

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Hey all thanks for the replies. I have done all that you said pulled it throw and was surprising with how much came out but still not any better. Also removed silencer and still not any better. tried also a few other brands pellets but still the same. So have taken back to the shop where it was purchased. And they are sending it off to there gun smiths to be sorted out free of charge and will returned on Wednesday. Thank you for all your replies. ATB Trafford

Please do let us know what they find!!!!


Could be a valve, barrel fixing or something I've not come across before.


I hope it comes back A1,





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It could also depend on diameter, remember the width is all the difference as the actress said to the bishop!


Try putting some wider pellets through JSB and their ilk (Daystate, Air Arms and lord knows how many other brands) do different diameter pellets. Some Scorpion SE rifles prefer a wider pellet than the standard 4.5mm, try a 4.52 or 4,53mm pellet and see what happens as well! It could be you need a wider pellet, or even a narrower pellet (Prometheus also do a narrower pellet, Just in case it is too wide for the screen star!)!


We had a problem with a Scorpion SE, It was shotgunning, the pellets were all over the place, it would group on a couple of shots, then the pellets would scatter. It had to go back to BSA as we had eliminated all other issues and we were told that there was a barrel problem. The gun was rebarreled and it has cured the problem. After 30 pellets it is dead on accurate! It also gave the wife a chance to get a new scope and she has bought a viper so now we have a snake in the grass!

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Hey all well I have received my air rifle back today. I was informed that the barrel was out of line with the air line from the valve! This could have happen when I put the silencer on. Not secured properlywhen left the factory, the gun smith has zeroed in at twenty yards and grouping is ok. So will take it out this weekend and see how it goes. Cheers for all your advice and tab Trafford

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