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Lynx hunting with hounds

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I like the hunting video. What I dont understand is this fascination some members have of watching other videos. Why would you want to watch a video of a dog being blinded by but eventually killing a leopard? And once you'd watch it why would you want to watch it again? Not after an arguement, its a genuine question?

i wouldn't watch it again mate, i'd pass it some lads on here that are interested in hunting wild dangerous game. I watched the video to see how hunting was done in africa back in the 80's as i hunted there a few in 02-03.

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Dog on first couple, on (their) right, second video, looks like a Karelian Bear dog.


its an east siberian laika and a plotthound in the first couple, then a western siberian laika.

the laika won´t bay untill the cat trees or takes a stand on the ground, while the plott of course bays the entire time, so when you here the siberian you get on your feet:)


the cat isnt much of a runner, so if you are a good skier you can catch up with her in just a couple of miles.

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